The name that God gives to Moses—“I AM WHO I AM”—is a revelation of God’s utter and complete self-sufficiency. It is a revelation of God’s aseity. He alone is of Himself.
God, and only God, is dependent on nothing. And this means for Moses and for Israel that God is not dependent on Pharaoh’s cooperation to accomplish what He has promised.
In Exodus 3, therefore, God identifies Himself in two ways. He tells Moses that He is the covenant God, who is with His people, and that He is the self-existing God, who needs nothing in order to be who He is and to do what He purposes to do.
God retains the power and the Word is nothing more or less than a window into that reality. The Word then is a portal through which I may come into contact with the raw nature and unleashed power of God Almighty!
I long to encounter God when I read the Bible. Having heard “the Word of His power or the power of His Word”, I must push through the text to the heart of Jesus.
May God move me beyond the threshold of His Word and into the living space of His existence, beyond the safe shoreline of His written truth and into the limitless depths of His immeasurable power.
God’s Existence
God will never end. If He did not come into being He cannot go out of being, because He is being.
God is absolute reality. There is no reality before Him. There is no reality outside of Him unless He wills it and makes it. He is all that was eternally. No space, no universe, no emptiness, only God.
God is utterly independent. He depends on nothing to bring Him into being or support Him or counsel Him or make Him what He is.
Everything that is not God depends totally on God. The entire universe is utterly secondary. It came into being by God and stays in being moment by moment on God’s decision to keep it in being.
I AM WHO I AM. I AM nothing less or more than who I AM. I AM just who I AM eternally as God Almighty.
I AM that I AM. The immortality who dwells in the light.
My existence does not depend on anyone else’s existence. I am — who I am.
I am not defined by any other reality. Nothing determines who I am or what I am like. I did not come into being.
Nothing was before me. And so nothing created me, or gave rise to me. I am not in the process of becoming. I am complete.
All other reality is dependent on me. Everything that exists outside of me, exists because I made it. Therefore, I give meaning to everything. I decide whether anything exists, and why everything exists. I am the only absolute reality. “I am who I am.”
God Is Glorious
When God created the world, He did not create it out of any need or any weakness or any deficiency. He created out of fullness and strength and complete sufficiency.
So we don’t glorify God by improving His glory. We don’t glorify Him by making up for some deficiency in God.
He has no deficiencies. We glorify God by seeing His glory for what it really is, and delighting in it above all things, and then showing it or displaying it to others for what it really is.
Compare the word “magnify.” Magnifying God and glorifying God are essentially the same. But only if we magnify His glory like a telescope not a microscope.
Microscopes make small things look bigger than they are. Telescopes make unimaginably big things look more like what they really are.
Our lives are to be telescopes for the glory of God. We were created to see His glory, be thrilled by His glory, and live so as to help others see Him and enjoy Him for how great and glorious He really is.
Connection With God
You’re connected with God Almighty Himself who is operating in the realm of the ABSOLUTE, the realm of SUPREMACY, and SOVEREIGNTY.
You’re dealing with absolute reality and truth which God Himself is the very embodiment of. The realm that has commanding influence over everything that exists within the universe.
The realm within which all authority, power, and dominion resides. The realm which is the origin of all things. The realm all things that exist depend on for sustenance.
The Word Of God
Scripture clearly teaches that “The Word is God” (John 1:1) and that ‘absolutely NOTHING was made except by Him.’
(John 1:3) Also that ‘We are His Works, and were created in Christ Jesus’ (Ephesians 2:10) Who is ‘The Word’ that is God!
And since all the known creation of God is encompassed in the word, UNIVERSE, it is more than interesting that the word UNIVERSE comes from two primitive roots: UNI, meaning ‘one’ and VERSA, meaning ‘BODY OF WORDS‘!
Therefore, the Lord’s entire creation is called: ‘ONE BODY OF WORDS’! But with its Creator being named ‘WORD’, this should not be surprising.
‘Verse’ also stems from another root, ‘versus,’ as in a court decision (i.e. Smith versus Smith) and means literally ‘being turned toward’; thus making the word, UNIVERSE, also mean ‘ONE BEING TURNED TOWARD.”
Mankind wasn’t spoken into existence just as it was for the other creations; however, his body is made up of created materials spoken into existence by the Word of God.
Therefore, that body relies on the things that grow out of the ground which is its source.
Everything seems to be thriving on the creative and sustaining power of the Word of God. The Word has its full imprint everywhere in this universe.
The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our awesome] God [reflecting God’s Shekinah glory, the Light-being, the brilliant light of the divine], and the exact representation and perfect imprint of His [Father’s] essence, and upholding and maintaining and propelling all things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful Word [carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal].
After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven (Hebrews 1:3).
God the Father is the ultimate source or cause of the universe. The universe and its intricate design of everything within was planned by Him for His glory.
The Word of God carries His unlimited command: His decree as to what will be done which calls into existence what was planned. The Word who is Christ Jesus Himself encompasses everything that was planned or initiated by God the Father.
Jesus Christ is the very embodiment of the will of God in whom the plan of the whole creation dwelt, the very person who worked over every detail of the creation, the very Agent through whom the Father worked in order to fulfill His divine purpose.
Jesus Christ as the Word in whom the will of the Father resides, the very entity responsible to set the will of the Father in motion is the One who speaks or decrees the Word which proceeds from the will of the Father that contains His divine plan in order to activate and unleash the infinite power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit acts or operates in accordance with the Word of God. The Holy Spirit carries the power to enact that command and so is the agency by whom that decree is done.
The Holy Spirit knows the will of the Father which His Son is the very embodiment of moves in accordance with the Word the Son spoke in order to materialize it as conceived by the Father.
The Holy Spirit who knows the deep secrets of God knew every bit of detail of everything that was planned by the Father, which was later submitted to the Son who is the Word in order to enforce God’s fundamental operating principle which is predicated on speaking His will into existence.
The Son who is the will and the plan of the Father speaks everything the Father wills into existence.
The Father works through the Son, and the Holy Spirit works through the Word who is Christ Jesus.
The Father’s office is to initiate a thing, the office of the Word of God is to decree that thing, the Holy Spirit’s office is to manifest that thing.
The Apostle emphasizes the active presence of Christ both as the cause of creation (“through Him”) and as its final cause (“for Him”).
The individual creatures are not only “words” of the Word, whereby the Creator is manifested to our intelligence, but they are also “gifts” of the Gift. They bear within themselves the imprint of the Holy Spirit, the creator Spirit.
Existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level.
– The possibility of spiritual transcendence in the modern world.