He originally gave authority in the earth to a being that was physical, mental and spiritual, so that any being who wants to exercise authority in the earth must become exactly like that first being, tripartite in nature… equally body, soul, and spirit!
That’s why The Word was made flesh!
Before He could operate legally in the earth, He had to become one of us!
That’s why the devil can only rule by deception… he has no authority because he has no physical body!
He can assume a physical form, but he was never born of a woman… that’s the difference!
He usurped authority by successfully deceiving Eve and tempting Adam, but when God became flesh in Jesus of Nazareth He legally took back that authority from Satan.
This same authority that Jesus regained over the earth He then gave to us, sons of God!
He has had millennia to study humans, learning their weaknesses, their habits, their strengths, learning how their minds operate and what their typical responses are in any given situation!
Learning how to set them up and attack, anticipating all their moves and nullifying their counterattacks!
A being of immense strength and power! You cannot successfully contend with such a being either physically or mentally.
But thank God your battle is neither mental nor physical! It’s spiritual!!! And that’s where your strength is!
The devil is already defeated!
His defeat began when Jesus died for Sin on the cross of Calvary, it continued when Jesus went to hell and stripped him of all the usurped authority he had and was completed when Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven having gained total victory over Sin and Death.
Now, the victory that Jesus won is transferred to you who trusted Him as your Savior and Lord!
We have the victory over Sin and Satan!
That’s why the bible says, “… We are more than conquerors through him that loved us,” Rom 8:37.
What does it mean to be more than a conqueror?