On each beat, you chant an affirmation. I am happy or I’m confident. And you repeat the same chant over and over again for a total of 108 beats. That’s how you reprogram your subconscious mind.
So with affirmation, these three ingredients are necessary:
1) Concise charts of positive words
2) Clear visualization
3) A Corresponding feeling
Most people don’t understand this when it comes to affirmation, they just say the words but no visualization and feeling.
So for example, if I say “I love apples”, which is a concise chart of positive words.
Now when I say the word “I”, my mind knows that I’m talking about me. When I say the word “love”, my mind knows that it likes it, it enjoys it, it adores, and so on. Therefore, it that’s what love actually means to my mind.
But when I say the word apples, my mind gets confused. Because it’s searching my entire hard drive, my entire subconscious from the day I was born for every occurrence of the word apple, red apple, green apples, yellow apples, Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, and so forth.
What Apple’s is I’m really talking about, my mind has no idea right.
So words alone is not enough. That’s why we have visualization. when you say you love apples, and you visualize a bright red apple, your mind goes oh that’s what he’s talking about.
That’s why words and visualization are very important. The next thing you need to take into consideration is feeling. The reality is feeling is emotion. Emotion is energy in motion. To find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.
Everything is made up of energy that’s vibrating at a certain frequency. Every subatomic particle, atom, and molecule is vibrating at a certain frequency binding it together creating a certain matter.
Your subconscious is filled with patterns that are vibrating at a certain frequency. If you can go into your subconscious and create a pattern and infuse it with energy that’s vibrating at a certain frequency, you can attract things of a similar nature to it.
So if I go into my subconscious, I repeat an affirmation which has a concise choice of word along with clear visualization, I infuse feeling into it, what does it feel like, and it starts to vibrate in my subconscious with that path at that frequency, now it attracts anything of a similar vibration or similar frequency towards it.
Energy doesn’t know how to discriminate between what’s good for you and what’s not good for you. It’s just energy. So anything of a similar frequency gets drawn to you.
So if you know how the subconscious works by knowing how to program it using affirmations with the clear chart concise choice of positive words along with clear visualization, and a corresponding feeling, and feeling being the most important component because it’s the actual energy that attracts things, then you can bring into your life anything you want.