I used to see God’s women in the protocol cleaning the church before the service. Often when they cleaned the house of God, I saw was that their brush became luminous and fiery.
Month: December 2019
Brother Oscar Testimony – Prayer, Anointing Oil, Adornment
In the Dark Dimension, the devil used to tell us, I remember in 3 or 4 occasions, he said, I do not have time before me.
Brother Oscar Testimony – Satanic Products
Demons and satanists have the ability to land in Christians homes having products that come from the world of darkness.
Brother Oscar Testimony – The Power Of Baptism
Witchcraft infrastructure and logistic of Satan I was working with witches of every street. Because in every street of the world, there is a witch who monitors the inhabitant of the street.
The Power Of Confessing The Word Of God
The testimony of Emmanuel Ammos. You are snared by the words of your mouth. You are taken by the words of your mouth (Proverbs 6:2).
Vision, Discernment, Understanding, And Knowledge
Ephesians 1:15-21 – Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit…
Danje Ki Genyen Nan Imoralite Seksyel
Le-w’ rantre nan seks a yon moun, ou pataje tout vi moun lan. Gen yon echanj k’ap fet.
Food Infestation, Markets, Seat And Throne Of Demonic Powers
The testimony of “brother Oscar”, a former Satanist. There’s a siren controlling the world’s foods. The purpose of this siren is to weaken the children of God who have failed to pray to give God thanksgiving before eating.
Pwisans Ak Enpotans Li Pawol Bondye-a
Sa se temwayaj “Fre Oscar”, yon ansyen ajan Satan. Youn nan komand Satan bay ajan-l’ yo se anpeche Kwayan yo li Labib. Satanis yo nan yon ge pepetyel ak Kretyen yo.
Dominyon Absoli Jezi Kris Sou Mond Vizib Ak Envizib La
For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together (Colossians 1:16-17).
Testimony About The Power Of The Name Of Jesus
Se yon Temwayaj de yon ansyen “Genie en sorcelerie” ki rele Etienne Emmanuel ki te akonpanye yon mari ki ta pral ofri madan-m’ li kom sakrifis.
Tre Enpotan: Konba Pou Nanm Ki Anchene
Enmi-an la pou-l’ vire a lanve prensip fondamantal ke Bondye etabli pou gouvene fason lom lan dwe viv kom yon kreyati ke-L’ kreye pou glwa-L’.
Point De Contact Ou De Connection Et Droit Légal, Creature Contre Le Createur
Pou Satan egzese kontwol sou yon moun, fok moun sa posede nan vi-l’ oubyen lakay li yon bagay ki apatyen ave-l’. Kidonk, fok moun sa gen propriyete dyab la nan vi-l’.