I’ve placed four powers in the 4 corners of the world.
- The first one bewitches the air that people breathe. I send sickness in their lives through the air they breathe.
- The second power that I send bewitches the ground that you tread upon. When people walk on the ground they are bewitched since it’s under manipulation.
- The third power controls the water. I am destroying lives through water manipulation.
- The fourth power controls the fire that you use.
These are the power of the realm of mysteries or prince.
Elementals are considered interdimensional beings, which means that they can move through different planes. Likewise, they maintain a strong bond with Nature.
The quarters are the four cardinal points which are traditionally linked to each of the four classical elements.
Each quarter is ruled by a watchtower or guardian. In Christian-influenced magical traditions, they are symbolized by the four Archangels.
Gnomes, The Elementals of Earth
Earth is the element of the North (Septentrion). It represents material possessions, fertility, stability, hard work, nourishment, and order.
The season of Earth is Autumn, when plants return to the soil from which they sprang.
Their planet is Mars and their zodiac signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Septentrional is where wealth resides.
Undines, Water Elementals
Water is the element of the West (Occident). It is associated with the soul and represents everything that has to do with emotion and intuition.
Water is ruled by the Moon and deals with healing, cleansing, emotional release, clarity, inner reflection, and forgiveness.
Their planets are Saturn and Mercury, and their zodiac signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Occident is where the sun sets.
Salamanders, Elementals of Fire
Fire is the element of the South (Midi, Meridional). It is associated with the heat of Summer, ruled by the blazing sun.
Fire represents power, vitality, transformation, passion, strength, and drive. It is invoked for power and action.
Their planets are the Sun and Jupiter, and its zodiacal signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Meridional is where health resides.
Sylphs; The Elementals of Air
Air is the element of the East (Orient). It is associated with the mind and its season is Spring. Air represents the intellect, goals, ambition, fun, communication, and strategy.
Their planets are the Moon and Venus, and their zodiac signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Orient is where the sun rises.
Spirit or Aether; a Culmination of All Elements
None of the elements work in isolation. It is an interdependent web in which each plays with the other.
In a place where all Elements are present, word and reason transcended, we experience Aether; also known as Spirit, or the Fifth Element.
Aether is the bridge between physical and spiritual. It is the universal energy that fills all spaces; present in all things, and thus difficult to define.
It is said that Spirit is the communication channel that the elemental beings of the four elements will use to come into contact with those who request their presence.
Aether is a divine, inexhaustible, and indestructible substance. Its natural habitat is the Universe, where stars and other celestial bodies are created.
Aether is understood as the soul of our reality and all life emanates from it.
Cosmic Energy
Cosmic energy is divine energy. It is a universal life force. It is running within and between all things.
The smallest molecule has a divine spark. Each part inside an atom is vibrating with a divine spark and has the holographic pattern of the universe. The entire cosmos exists in every tiny molecule of divine creation.
The universe is alive with cosmic energy. It’s the essence of all creation. It works like a bond between everything.
Divine energy cannot be created or destroyed. It has always existed. It keeps the whole universe in order.
Nothing in this universe survives without cosmic energy. Everything is connected to its intelligence. All matter exists and originates from only one force.
We must assume that there is a conscious and intelligent Spirit behind this force. The Spirit is the metrics of all matter. The Spirit is far superior to human reason in every way.
Cosmic power is consciousness and spirit. Cosmic power is a possibility to interact with this consciousness. Cosmic power is a force that pants behind and inside everything.
The Spirit Is Eternal
Matter decays yet the Spirit is eternal. The Spirit is the same energy that sustains all matters within the spiritual parallel universe.
Both matters within the physical and spiritual universe are subject to decay and deterioration while the Spirit is eternal.
Earth rotation
Earth rotates on its axis from west to east.
The Moon and the Sun (and all other celestial objects) appear to move from east to west across the sky.
The Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars all rise in the east and set in the west. And that’s because Earth spins toward the east.
Vibrating Words Of Power
This process of selecting words of potency and vibrating them from the body creates waves of energy which both attune you to your goal and call forth the support of the entire universe around you.
Many of us have heard of mantra meditation- the process of intoning either silently or aloud words of power to elicit change in our spiritual paradigm.
When we speak a word, a subtle yet powerful vibration is created from our bodies which carries out into the universe around us.
These vibrations are the manifest form or body of the meaning we ascribe to the word we say. Screaming out the word HATE at the top of your lungs will literally produce a wave of vibration which will ripple across space affecting everyone it comes in contact with.
In addition, focusing the mind on that word trains the mind to believe the power of that word is important. The more we intone the word, the more we begin to resonate to the word and attract more of the emotions and energy it carries into our lives.
By saying a word with deep intention and focus, we are:
- Creating sound vibration which acts as the effective body of the words power.
- Training the mind to view the word as important
- Allowing the power of that word to become part of us
- Calling forth the aspects of ourselves which resonate with that word
- Aligning out heart to that word
- Asking the universe to support us in that word
This is why working with the intentional recitation of words is so powerful- and also why being mindful of what we say is of utmost importance!
Simple Practice
- Calm and center yourself while focusing on your word written in your minds eye.
- Remind yourself of the power of the word, why you chose that word, what it means for you and why you are attuning yourself to it.
- State your goals (attracting love, finding peace, abundance, new job, healing from disease, etc.) aloud and link them to the word in your mind.
- Begin slowly reciting your word. Quickly you will notice your body finds a natural rhythm it wants to recite at. Follow this cadence as best you can. Simply focus on saying the word clearly and calmly- and focus on it as it exits your mouth.
- You may feel yourself entering a light trance state. Accept and allow this and do your best to stay in it until you are done and slowly come back to normal waking consciousness. This trance state shows that you are connected to high spiritual power and are working on the place of spiritual energy.
Visualization Practice
- While reciting your word, visualize yourself immersed in the power of the word and feel it manifesting your desire. See within the minds eye that you are completely saturated with the goal you desire and the word you are repeating is adding a dazzling, pulsating light to the imagery.
Breath Of Life Practice
- While reciting, you may attune to the breath to take your practice to a truly deep level. This practice tends to induce a deep trance state and should only be performed by those who have become accustomed to this state by using the above practice, or other spiritual practices involving altered states of consciousness. It is also important in using breath work that you are able to keep your mind mostly focused on the goal. If your mind is not yet able to hold still for good lengths of time, it would be best to use this practice only for a few minutes at the beginning of practicing on of the above techniques.
- On the inhalation, say the word/phrase within the mind while drawing in an audible breath though the nose.
- Hold the breath, repeat the word again on the suspended breath.
- Exhale via the mouth audibly, again reciting the word as you exhale.
- Suspend the breath, repeat the word within, then repeat the above steps.
- You are trying to make saying the word within you last as long as the breath- not the other way around. There’s no need t make yourself hyperventilate here!
- If you need breaks to resume normal breathing, take them!
Se manifestation ki emaner de l’invisible ki bay quitessence.
Nan dimansyon multi pluri dimensional li gen 7 ko..
Nikola Tesla’s stated the brain and the earth itself work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonant system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.
By the frequency of oscillations of the electrical pulses, brainwaves can be categorized into five types: delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma.
Delta brainwaves fall between the frequency range of 0.1 to 4 Hz. They have the lowest frequency and the largest amplitude. Our brainwaves are more noticeable when we are sleeping in a dreamless state. Deep sleep.
Theta brainwaves have a frequency range of 4 to 8 Hz. We store emotions, memories, and sensations in theta brainwaves. Meditation and creativity.
Alpha brainwaves have a frequency range of 8-12 Hz. In a fully relaxed state, both mentally and physically, these brainwaves are strongest. Relaxed reflection
Beta brainwaves are characterized by a frequency range between 13 and 32 Hz. Brainwaves are more easily visible when we are actively thinking, problem-solving, making decisions, or conversing.
Gamma brainwaves occur at a frequency of 32 to 40 Hz, which is the highest of all the types of brainwaves. Gamma brainwaves can be found in every part of the brain. Heihtened awareness