The problem is that people attend church, but they are not born again. Someone becomes a child of God by being born again. As a result, they become untouchable in the spirit realm.
Evil powers can be set in motion against someone life and finances. People who find themselves in such precarious situation can work hard and getting good pay in their job, but they have nothing to show as achievement because there are demonic powers at work to undermine them.
Dead Churches
The characteristics of dead churches: no prayer, no miracles, no delivrances, and so on.
The soul of man is found within his blood.
Today many are in Christ but subconsciously initiated in witchcraft.
These people dream that they are flying and having sex in the dream and taking part in meeting.
They also dream of dead people who actually demon copying the shape and appearance of dead people.
Scientists And Models
Many people who are great designer of great fashion marks and models are deeply involved in the occult.
They travel from time to time in these subterranean cities which are also visited by scientists who are also great occultists.
That’s why they promote the idea that God doesn’t exist and the world came from a big bang. The intent is to get God out of human equation.
Many sexual practices originated from the kingdom of Lucifer later they are brought to earth.
Satanists have a demon indwelling them. The job of the demon is to guide and monitor them and to remind them of their duty.
These demons inform them of things happening in people’s lives along with people attending Pentecostal and revival churches.
Sex in dream
One of the methods used by Satanists is sex. Sex in dreams is also used quite often.
If they want to influence somebody, they might come in their dreams to have sex with them whether they are a woman or a man.
They borrow people sexual organ in order to use them in the night to molest their victims.
The people whose sexual organs were being used have become victims of sexual impotency because their sexual organs were used excessively.
Women who have these types of issues will experience all types of problems such as abdominal pain along with pain in their vagina when having sex. They won’t be able to enjoy sex with their husbands since that has been taken away from them by witches.
This will lead to repeated vaginal infection.
These witches have left a demon to control the sex drive of these individuals after sleeping with them. They will never be able to enjoy sex as intended by God.
Your wedding bed is an altar.
The plan of Satanists is to cause doubt in believer so that they can lose faith and consider spiritism and sects.
Division In The Church
The plan is to create disorder in the church by causing people to rebel against their pastor. They will start off with criticism.
Satanist might deploy demons of discouragement to cause a member of the church to start a rebellion for the sake of collecting people from the church and lead them away just to start a church by way of rebellion.
There are many kind of sacrifices in the occult. They can sacrifice your money, your sex, your fertility, your mind in order to make you think like a child. They can sacrifice your company to perpetuate stagnation and unproductivity.
Star (Favor and Destinty)
Your star (favor and destiny) can also be sacrificed in order to cause infertility in all aspect of your life. So everything is liable for sacrifices in the world of Lucifer.
The devil is stealing people’s stars, chances, and destinies through sexual immorality.
Satanist knows how to block the whole neighborhood by burying mystical stuffs in the roundabout and crossroard in order to steal people’s chances ands stars.
Jesus said the serpent doesn’t have a head since He crushed it on the cross. The devil has stolen people’s stars (favor and destinies) and give them to his servants.
Astral Projection
Satanist use astral traveling by projecting their spirit to an ant, mosquito, spider to visit the house of Christians in order to listen to their conversation or prayer point about their ambitions. This is done with the intent of planning an attack against them.
Astral projection allow witches to use body of bird, insect, lizard as vehicle to transport their spirit and come closer to Christians. Witch can also astral travel while they are awake and conscious.
Demons And The Presence Of God
Satanists cannot send a demon to attack Christians just like that. For the attack to work, they have to incarnate the demon inside a physical animal like a mosquito, ant, owl, or any lizard to execute a special mission.
The thing is that satanist cannot deploy demons without vehicles or bodies against Christian because Christians are fiery and luminescent beings. Demons cannot bear their power. Therefore, demons cannot come close to Christian just as they are.
Once a demon is inside the body of an animal, then he would be able to come close to a Christian as he is shielded from Christians power thanks to the body of the animals.
The same thing happens in the church as well. Demons cannot enter a church except through a body of animal or by dwelling in the body of a satanist or witches, otherwise they cannot. When worship and praise start, they always run away.
Most of the time when people are sleeping in a church it is the spirit of sleep inside the body of witches or satanist that does that.
They will get people distracted by making the children cry or being noisy. They will also cause people to be chatting in the church during the preaching of the Word.
Not sharing your faith can be a problem since evangelism is a mandate for every believer. This can turn off the Holy Spirit. They are supposed to warn others about their evil ways. Believers are not to follow unbelievers in their evil deeds.
The World
The world is divided by the devil into multiple sections. Each section, he sends billion of demons led by a high-ranking demon member of Lucifer Central Government.
Each leading demon had under his command a large number of subordinates who are responsible for each branch of human activities.
Demons are harassing and pressuring every single human being on earth, from the small to great, from children to parent, from soldier to general, simple village chief to the president of the republic. The whole world is under the dominion of demons.
There are dead churches full of demons. There are so-called pastors full of demons. In awakened churches, demons are watching carnal Christians outside the church.
Other churchgoers have demons in them as they are entering churches. These demons close their ears during preaching. They make them fall asleep as well during preaching.
The demons that are most numerous in all churches are demons of disorder. They are specially trained to disturb Pentecostal churches. They push Christians in murmuring, to jealousy, to slander, pride, envy, and greed.
Demons gather in the churches during the service. But when Christians mention Jesus’ name, demons depart for a time because the name of Jesus is like a bomb.
The demons that were not in the body of Christians could not resist the power of the name of Jesus because it’s like a bomb, but demons that are in the bodies of Christian are able to stay.
But the moment the prayer ends, demons were immediately returning inside the church but with rage.
Human Flesh And Blood
Satan has built a huge reserve in order to keep human flesh and blood. Lack of human flesh and blood is regarded as a catastrophic event in the world of darkness.
The devil continuously organizes armed conflicts worldwide to have enough food available for his demons as human flesh and blood is their foods.
Satan’s Instructions
“Thus, I require all my troops to put more tensions in homes, businesses, and governments. Form five battalions, one for each continent, the special battalions for this war.
Accelerate the decisions in the minds of leaders. Put fire in homes, tribes, in governments. Kindle even small national conflicts and international conflicts for my glory.
Therefore, multiply road accidents, aircraft accidents, and train accidents, earthquakes. Sink boats, multiply the difficulties of everyday life. Provoke suicide.”
Demons harass the mind of leaders in order to influence them to act according to their will.
Failure Of High-rank Demons
High-rank demons coming from elsewhere suffer terribly, and their dark activities fail miserably because Jesus’ name is invoked regularly in this region.
Only the demons that came in the flesh and were born in these areas that can best operate in the region.
All these death machines, sophisticated war airplanes, advanced weapons, and bombs were discovered by demons born in human flesh in our world. No discovery inspired by the wisdom of God can lead people to disaster.
Demons In Human Flesh
The devil controls all governments of the world. His demons that he sent in human flesh on earth have installed space satellites of all kind to control humanity.
All television stations around the world are controlled by the devil. They include two categories of employee: first “ordinary” demons then demons that came in human flesh in the world and normal human being.
In a television station, “ordinary” demons and demons that came in human flesh have the task of manipulating images.
They send these images to satanic laboratories through occultic channel. Then in these labs, they attach demons on these images and they give these images satanic power which transfers the demons to the viewers.
These images are loaded with demons that are transmitted to the viewers by the other class of employees who are human technician and journalists.
Thus the viewers simply by watching these pictures can receive demons of lust, distraction, sexual immorality, envy, gluttony, pride, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, or idolatry without realizing that.
It’s, in fact, these demons of idolatry that drives men to love anything or anyone more than God, be it money, a husband, a wife, a trade, wealth, magical protection, and sinful pleasures.
Christians that watch these images loaded with demons receive many kinds of demons and spiritual weaknesses and heaviness.
Television is a powerful weapon of Satan to fight not only pagans but also Christians. The devil wants everyone to be infested by these images loaded with demons.
Fallen Angels
All evil deeds that you see on earth are orchestrated by fallen angels. But they are not the ones working on earth to make them happen. They have spirits called demons who are under their orders.
Vicious astral forces are responsible for evil being perpetrated on earth.
They are the one executing evil on earth. These demons are following orders from these powerful angels.
If you are a Christian with the Holy Spirit, these demons will always run away from the fire burning within you. They will even deviate the road to avoid Christian. But if you live in sin, they can enter you in order to influence you.
Jesus said for human to escape these demons, they need honest repentance and the Holy Spirit in them.
I started to go down deeper into the ocean. It was really deep. I reached its depth. I found myself in an unknown civilization, a massive kingdom, a very busy city with a lot of people.
Then I saw a 7 heads dragon. He was talking to delegates and representatives from earth with a lot of arrogance and violence.
Then Jesus said these entities dwell here but they rise from the ocean to influence the earth then they come back here.
After meeting, we were identifying shops belonging to Christians. And we were bewitching places were Christians sell their goods.
When reaching work, you must pray. In everything we do, we need prayer.
In order to stop people from buying their goods, each whitch was supposed to urinate on the place where Christian sell in order to push away customers from their shops.
The 5 pointed pentagram represents the 5 continents.
Zeus is married to Hera who deals with marriage. Hera’s mission is the destruction of men of God marriage.
In the spirit world, things happen in second.
Satanists’ Theft
(Proverbs 3:16) says that long life is in her right hand. In her left hand are wealth, riches and honor.
Satanists steal people wealth, riches, and destiny by observing the line on their left hand where God has placed their wealth even people who are not born again, God has given them wealth as well.
That’s why some people are bound to poverty. By touching your hand, I was putting hole in your hand.
You can try to undertake certain things but you won’t get anywhere. You may get paid good salary, but you won’t do something significant with it.
The Second Heaven
The second heaven is governed by the prince of the air. This is the place where many prayers and blessings are stopped by Satan.
In the second heaven, there’s a second barrier called cabalistic and cosmogonic barrier. It’s there to stop prayers.
Your prayer must penetrate the realm of the second heaven inhabited by demonic spirits.