When He fixed my head back, He led me in spirit into a realm, a magnificent mansion wherein is found well preserved different parts of the human body.
Then He said to me: “Harbinger, see, all the parts of the human body.” I saw Angels of different size and rank working in this realm. The Lord continued, saying,
“Everything is per feet and complete in the Great Kingdom of your Lord.
Know and understand that while man lives on Earth, the growth of his body comes through constant death which occurs moment by moment within the framework of his body.
“Behold, the cells, the atoms and the molecules of the body of man, die and are replaced from time to time of man’s existence.
They die and are replaced at the same time, even at the time of the death of each. This work is done by the Workers, the Angels of your Lord, which you see here.
“Son of man, without this constant death and replacement, as I tell you this day, there would be no growth of the human body in your terms.
Your earthly body would be static, without expansion, if the body cells, molecules and atoms do not die and their debris replenished.
“If this does not occur, the human body, your body, with which you emerged on Earth at birth as a little child, will remain not beyond the size of a seven- year-old all the days of your life.
It takes seven years for all the cells, all the atoms and all the molecules of the body which you had at birth to completely die and be replaced.
“The new ones that replace the old also undergo this process of complete death and replacement after seven years. This continues bit by bit and completes at the end of seven years, till the entire body dies.
“Son of man, apart from the death and replacement of the atoms, cells and molecules of the body, there is also a process of major replacement or servicing of the body parts, when a part of the body is found to be weak, or when it has expired.
“This operation of replacing or servicing a part of the human body is also among the works that the Angels do here. But the ones revealed to you are more concerned with those who are on the path of your Lord on Earth.
“When a body part is being replaced, it may result in what the children of men consider as ill-health. The ill-health coming to man because of this, therefore, is not disadvantageous, as man thinks.
Rather it brings about balanced regulation and reinforcement of the entire body systems. It brings about greater health. Nevertheless, it is highly disadvantageous for anyone to seek medical help in a situation of this nature.
“Medication to this end in the world of man can accelerate the body elements towards the reduction of the current of life.
Son of man, what I did on you, removing and replacing the bones of your shoulder, would have resulted in ill-health for a while if it was done by the Angels, because of the way they operate.
But because I did it Myself, there will be no ill- health.”
I’m so glad that you mentioned cell rejuvenation. When people ask me why I look so much younger than my chronological age, I’ve been telling them for a long time that, since we have new cells every seven years, we don’t age we renovate! Then I also add that, as we renovate, we must make sure all the furniture stays in the right place … that’s where the exercise comes in!