Generally speaking, spiritual battles are fought in three major levels.
The first level of spiritual battle is the elementary level. The believers in this level cannot pull down the high places of highly concentrated demons neither can they withstand the high manipulations of demons and their human agents.
The believers who find themselves in spiritual warfare in this elementary level could be wrecked by evil powers in the field of battle.
In the second level of spiritual battle, believers could be strong in the Lord, yet they may not want to enter into direct battle with demons operating as controlling spirits or with human agents operating as living Grand Masters.
Such believers however can never be manipulated for as long as they remain strong in the Lord.
The third or the highest level of spiritual battle is the level in which a believer is constantly strong in the Lord and always engaged in the battle against the territorial forces and mighty controlling powers of darkness.
It is only such a believer who becomes a major threat to the entire kingdoms of darkness, demons, and their human agents in high and low places.
Therefore, it is very dangerous for any believer to remain in the elementary level of spiritual warfare. Each and every believer should enter into the highest realm of spiritual battle against principalities and powers of darkness.
Any believer who does not want to be maimed by the fiery darts of the wicked should immediately go beyond the ordinary level of spiritual warfare.
When it comes to marriage, the senses of some believers including some so-called strong ones are dominated by the evil power of lust.
Even a strong believer who is not very watchful at this point could be manipulated to marry an agent of devil.
This should not be so. We must become constantly fixed in the highest level of spiritual battle.
Wafare Against Man Of God
There was a time that a prominent evangelist from USA came to Nigeria for a crusade which was held in Colaba Kluber is one of the 1,270 regions of demonic powers on earth.
Then some of my specific manipulations were concentrated in Colaba. Consequently, I vowed that the crusade must not hold whilst I mobilized thousands of spirits to operate and direct the proposed crusade.
We were fully aware that this evangelist was coming to annihilate some of our operations. Therefore, we did not take it kindly with him rather we advanced higher manipulations against the organizers of the crusade.
I projected about 600,000 spirit to fight the crusade organisers. And because these believers were not prayerful in the Lord as required, they were manipulated and impelled into spiritual slothfulness whilst almost all their leaders entered into secret sins which include fornication, adultery, anger, pride etc…
Their carnal state gave us enough strength to finally spoil the crusade and caused destruction among them. On the very day of this crusade, I transformed myself into a vulture and led thousands of demons into the crusade ground.
I commanded these demons and their combined to operate a mighty storm, thunder, and rain that made it difficult for the crusade to hold beyond the first day.
This crusade was scheduled to hold for three days but through demonic manipulations owing to sinful life of those that organized it that crusade partially held only on its first day.
Even at the end of this first day, I commanded demons and their combined to operate Thunder which was specifically sent to kill the American evangelist who lodged at the flamboyant Metropolitan Hotel Calibur.
The Thunder however destroyed part of his room but the man of God was not killed neither was he harmed but that was the end of that crusade because this man of God immediately left Calibur without continuing the crusade.
The Preaching Of The Gospel
Believers have the power to banish demon through the preaching of the gospel. The powers of darkness are highly opposed to the preaching of the gospel because in the course of this, the Holy Spirit power operates in the highest rate of consciousness to discomfort demons and their human agents.
When I speak of the preaching of the gospel, I am NOT talking of church laws, commandments, dogmas, philosophies, or theories which are bereft of a spiritual potency of the Almighty God.
I am speaking of the gospel of eternal power and of the Spirit of holiness in Christ Jesus. The rulers of Darkness are afraid of this gospel.
They are not afraid of dogmas theories and philosophies but they are afraid of the gospel of the kingdom. The gospel of the kingdom is the gospel of power. It is the gospel that sets the captives free.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16). The gospel is the power of God to set people’s free.
This was the kind of gospel that Jesus Christ preached on earth but He also empowered every believer to preach.
Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people (Matthew 9:35).
The gospel of the kingdom is different in all aspects in that it has the blessed power to heal every sickness, and every disease among the people.
And this is the kind of gospel that must reach the whole world before the end will come and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come.
(Matthew 24:14) in other words even though the dogmas and human philosophies of the church may reach all over the world the end shall not come until the gospel of the kingdom has been preached.
The powers of darkness are fully aware that the potency of the gospel of the kingdom can banish their operations and set those under their manipulations free.
This is the more reason why they are highly engaged in the fierce spiritual battle against those preaching the gospel of the kingdom to this end.
A believer must always be prayerful and strong in the righteousness of Christ in the ultimate recognition that the gate of the kingdoms of darkeness cannot prevail against a believer in Christ.
The true and limitless power of Jesus Christ is the highest power which is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
This is the supreme power of Godhead that transcends the realm of energy, time, matter, and space.
Now, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ operating fully in your life maintained through righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, your eyes can be opened by the Spirit of God to recognize the agents of darkness.
The Battleground Of The Church
I would like to approach the works of the devil in the local church.
First and foremost, every Saturday at midnight, there is a bright angel of God that descends to every living Church on the earth.
The purpose of this angel that descends in the local church Sunday morning is to release a power of attraction that will cause God children to come to church on Sunday.
When the angel of the Lord descends in the local church on Sunday morning, the devil deploys his angel who is the counterpart whose mission is to keep God children from attending the church on Sunday.
The devil has also assigned demons ruling a months of the year. On Sunday, the angel of Satan caused God children to miss the church or to come late.
Basically in front of every living Church, there is an angel of the Lord and there is great light and fire.
On the other hand, before every satanic Church, there is red light shining the red light indicate the property of the devil.
The Power Of Evangelism
Whenever a Christian goes out to evangelize, this is an act of war. Evangelism equals to the invasion of the camp of the enemy.
Whenever a believer makes the first step in the street for evangelism, immediately the angel of the Lord will descend by his side in the street to assist him. This is actually the angel of evangelism.
In terms of soul-winning, the crossroads are essential because Jesus said when you go to the crossroads say this and that.
Satanists don’t like Christians to evangelize in the crossroads since they are a strategic place for them. In truth, there are nets and booby traps that are set up in many crossroads and roundabouts.
When a Christian evangelizes in the crossroads, the four corner of the crossroads will be blocked by the angel of the Lord. As a result, permanent demons that are posted in the crossroads road will flee.
Evangelism and soul-winning are the most dangerous activity against the enemy. It is war and conquest of the prey of the enemy who is holding captives countless souls.
Whenever God children went out to proclaim the gospel in the street, there were things happening when doing so.
I saw fire coming out of their mouths and traveling like balls of fire reaching people from long distance.
Anyone that can hear their voice can be reached by balls of fire coming out of their mouths that are released through the proclaiming of the gospel.
When souls of men are reached by the Word that came out like balls of fire, the seed of the Word was planted in their heart and sealed in their memory.
As a result many were coming to Christ even weeks and months after hearing the Word. The devil who is the arch enemy of God has a class of demons called the evangelists whose purpose is to counter the effect of the Word of God in people’s hearts.
They caused people to harden their hearts. Every ministry of the body of Christ has a counterpart demon whose task is to counter the minister as soon as a soul is impacted.
When one proclaims the gospel, the demon evangelist comes to oppose him and stop people from giving their heart to God.
—————– Note —————–
It’s very important when organizing a major spiritual event to reach out to lost souls that the organizers spend time in prayer seeking the direction of God in order for Him to reveal to them the plans of the enemy.
The plans of the enemy thrive through people’s indifference, ignorance, and negligence.
Therefore, being on high alert is very critical in that regard in order for them to detect the plots that are being conspired against the event for the sake of making it become a catastrophic failure.
Mantalite Ak Kwayans
Ge kont vye mantalite ak kwayans k’ap domine panse lom.
Lom lan gen yon pwoblem mantalite ak kwayans ki gen tan pwograme nan panse-l’ k’ap deside koman-l’ dwe reyaji a mesaj levanjil la.
Kidonk, le moun lan di-l’ ke-l’ pa kwe ke-l’ pare pou-l’ fe levanjil, kwayans lan gen kom baz li yon mantalite.
Kwayans lan sanse sele mantalite sa ki anvlope vi peche ke moun sa mennen.
Konbat yo avan menm ou evanjelize.
Gospel’s Manipulations, Witches’ Power, Bondage, Demons Hardening Hearts Of People During Preaching
Things To Pray Against And For, Gender Disorders, Sexual Immorality