The King of all creation Yahweh Elohim Yeshua whose Word brought forth the creative vibration by which the universe was manifested.
The Almighty Lord of all creation Yahweh Elohim Yeshua whose all-powerful Word is the creative and cosmic vibration that animated and formed all matters.
The Lord who speaks Your sovereign will into existence Jesus, the Amen whose Word is the vibratory energetic sound that manifested the universe by transforming energy into matter.
The Lord of all power and might Yeshua whose living Word is the cosmic sound that permeates all life and matters.
The all-knowing Lord Yeshua whose living Word is imbued with Your own divine consciousness. Your Word and You are One. You are the Word.
The great Sustainer Jesus whose Word is the divine vibration that preserves the manifest universe.
The great Regenerator Jesus whose living Word is the vibration that will eventually dissolve the manifest universe, so that it can return to its source being God.
The great Influencer Lord Jesus whose Word releases waves of energy that permeates the structure of reality, thus shaping the world around us.
The Lord of all creation whose living Word carries Your energetic blueprint, Your divine vibration that resonates like an echo through the cosmos.
The sovereign LORD Jesus whose Word has control over both the physical and spiritual realms.