Heavenly Father, gracious, compassionate, loving, merciful, just, righteous, holy, true, and faithful Father, we the Church of Christ Jesus in one spirit now come before Your great throne of grace, mercy, and glory seeking Your divine healing power in the authority of the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
May Your holy name be glorified, honored, exalted, and magnified as the living, true, faithful, and Almighty God.
You are the God who exalts Yourself as the head over all. You are the great King and LORD over all realms of existence.
You are the God who created all things for Your glory by the greatness and highness of Your might, splendor, and the strength of Your power in order to affirm who You are as the great Initiator, Planner, Creator, Executor, and Sustainer.
The uncontrollable and uncontainable LORD God, You fill the heavenly realms in which You dwell with Your glory, which is Your burning and shining greatness to the degree that there’s no more room for someone else to occupy.
The plane of Your divine existence, presence, knowledge, wisdom, and power is so immense to the extent that the heavens, even the highest heaven in which Your throne is established, cannot contain You.
Mainly because You Are the infinite and eternal LORD God whom the core aspect of Your self-existence, which is unmanifest, is also beyond any form of manifestation in any realm in eternity.
This core aspect of You LORD holds the great mystery of eternity, the mystery of the beginningless, the eternal base before the beginning, and the endless features of You God.
This mystery transcends the knowledge of every creature and living entity in all the realms of existence.
The multidimensional core of You LORD God, that is completely beyond manifestation, belongs only to You.
What is not known about You by spirits, angels, men and every living creature, is more than what is known and what would be known of You in eternity.
Hallelujah to the LORD God Almighty!
Great are You Lord, and highly to be praised, and Your greatness and highness are unsearchable, infallible, inexhaustible, and unlimited. Your greatness and highness surpass all understanding, knowledge, and wisdom.
Yes, You are the absolute, supreme, sovereign, preeminent, transcendent, dominant, independent, and all-sufficient God.
LORD God, Your existence depends on nothing outside of Yourself. Meaning that You are not connected to any source outside of Yourself to draw energy and power from in order to sustain Your existence.
You are uncreated existence, the eternal foundation before all things while everything being part of created existence depends on Your creative and sustaining power.
Without You Lord wasn’t anything made that would be made. Therefore, there’s nothing that wasn’t which was made that can keep on being without You.
Your eternal status as the Great I AM, the everlasting God, the Most High, the Ancient of days and all ages, the great King, and the Great Glory seated high in majesty makes it unnecessary and impossible to have someone else besides You.
There’s none like You LORD. There was never anybody like You. There can never be somebody like You. There never will be someone like You. You are great and awesome, and great is Your name in might.
You are the One who existed eternally before all things came into being. You are the One whom all things become the manifestation of Your creative works. And You are the One who is eternally beyond all things.
Only You are worthy to be seated in that dimension of supreme glory, honor, power, dominion, and majesty.
Your throne is established in the highest position of all realms of existence. You are the Lord of all creation.
There’s no power in any realm of existence that’s not subject to Your command and decree. You have absolute authority and power over everything.
Therefore, You are the God who is worthy to receive honor, glory, exaltation, and praise forever and ever.
We acknowledge You as a glorious, majestic, mysterious, living, vibrant, radiant, explosive, energetic, electrifying, powerful, fiery, and thunderous Entity vibrating power and energy at an infinite rate being the manifestation of Your eternal glory.
Praise the LORD!
Your glory, which is the eternal substance that makes You whom You are, the shelter of the Most High, and the blazing light and consuming fire of the Almighty is everything to You.
Your glory is, in fact, Your eternal dwelling place before You brought all things into existence as an expression of that glory.
Your glory is the source, essence, and purpose of all Your works LORD. Your glory is the divine frequency and vibration of all creation.
Due to Your infinite and eternal greatness and highness LORD God, we acknowledge that distance doesn’t matter in the spiritual realm. Proximity is irrelevant regarding Your divine intervention because we as Your children are all interconnected into a divine network which is all-present, all-powerful, and all-knowing being You Father God through Your Son by Your Spirit.
We lay a hold on the deep truth that the divine power of Your holy Word and great name is in resonance everywhere in this universe. Your power is limitless and boundless. Declaring Your Word by means of the authority of Your name by faith will unleash a divine impact LORD.
Therefore, this grants our prayer the ability to reach people in the four corners of the world in no time. We believe that Your healing anointing and power will travel all around the globe like energetic waves, ripples, arrows, or rays of light in order to reach those who are in desperate need of a divine touch from You LORD.
LORD God, we rejoice in the truth that Your Word being a living extension of Yourself backed up by Your Spirit and holy angels has to come back to You with a report of accomplishment stating, “and it came to pass”.
Mainly because the fundamental law that governs Your Word decrees that it will not return to You void without fulfilling the purpose for which it was sent or declared. We believe that Your Word by means of Your great name will touch many.
Firstly, we confess the original sin of rebellion committed by Adam and Eve being the cause and source of all diseases, sicknesses, and infirmities plaguing mankind ever since, which has ultimately led to various health issues wreaking havoc in the life of so many.
Secondly, we confess the sins, iniquities, and transgressions of our ancestors acting like a repository of curses following us like a thick cloud of darkness. We also confess all our own personal sins, iniquities, and transgressions known and unknown that we’ve committed against You LORD.
In all authority, power, might, strength, dominion, energy, force, anointing, ability, capability, capacity, potentiality, functionality, faculty, means, sovereignty, supremacy, superiority, predominance, transcendence, preeminence, and independence of the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer JESUS being the name above all names, all fames, all titles, all statuses, and all things through whom, for whom, and by which Name and Word of power the things which can be seen and the things which can’t be seen were all created and manifested, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in both the invisible and visible world by God the Father being the Fullness of uncreated Existence Himself, the Almighty, the great Initiator and Planner, the ultimate Source, the Ancient of days and ages, the everlasting God, the LORD of the spirits, the Great Glory, the LORD of all existence, the LORD of all ages, the Most High, the Highest One in the heavenly realms, the Great I AM, the Almighty Ruler, the Immortality who dwells in unapproachable light; may Your healing anointing and power move mightily into the earthly atmosphere. Let there be healing, and restoration in the land.
Yahweh Elohim, Lord Yeshua Hamashiach, Lord Jesus from everlasting to everlasting, Lord Jesus of Nazareth; Lord Jesus the Son of Man, the Son of David who is the grace, mercy, and compassion of God for the sick; JESUS the Christ being the very Entity who is in all things and through whom everything is held together by the supreme, sovereign, living, vibrant, explosive, electrifying, creative, sustaining, thunderous, and radiant power of His all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing Word being the limitless power of His Spirit in manifestation and action in all things, the very Entity who is the supreme Creator, Executor, Sustainer, Maintainer, Director, Coordinator, Master, Lord, and King of all creation; may Your all-powerful, all present, and all-knowing name act from this moment on behalf of us against our sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities.
In the name of Yahweh Sabaoth, the LORD of heaven’s armies, Yahweh Nissi, the LORD our banner of victory, the Lord whom victory is Yours, the Lord the battle is Yours, the Lord who fights and wins our battles Yeshua; let all the evil principalities, authorities, powers, governors, and dominions in the region standing against our breakthrough since day one wherever they are be crushed, beaten down, bound, defeated, and fallen into their pits mercilessly, miserably and painfully by the mighty armies of heaven.
In the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing name of Captain and Commander in Chief of the armies of God Jesus, the I AM that I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the supreme and invincible Warrior, the all-strong and all-powerful in battles, the Author and Finisher of our faith; let the strong man and all his acolytes be bound with fiery chains. Let the cabalistic, cosmic, cosmogenic barriers, and strongholds of the enemy over our lives in the firmament be destroyed completely by the authority and power of Your great name Lord Jesus.
The Lord, the LORD Almighty Yeshua, let the forces of darkness and their wicked plans against us be met with absolute violence, terror, furor, brutality, and failure by Your mighty battalion of fiery, luminous, tremendous, and robust troops of great archangels, incorporeal forces, authorities, powers, dominions, orders, governments, thrones, cherubim, seraphim, celestial beasts, and many eyed, mouthed, eared, and nosed angelic hosts who fight in Your name with their fiery swords and chariots.
In light of all the healing provisions of God Almighty, we take complete authority, power, and dominion over sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
We take complete authority and power over the mental, emotional, physical, or mystical component of these health issues in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer JESUS.
We command our body to operate properly, comfortably, and freely in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
We command the spirit of trauma, fear, uncertainty, and doubt to leave in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
Let there be LORD of all creation who spoke all things into existence a decree of complete healing be established unto us in the Almighty name of the Word of power of Yahweh Rapha, the Lord Almighty who heals His people, the great Healer Christ Jesus, which endures forever.
May these sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities along with their symptoms never hinder us again. May none of these obstacles ever hold us back again. Let them be broken, destroyed, and cursed in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
We decree from this day these afflictions shall not rise for a second time. Let them be removed and be cast into the deep sea of divine healing and eternal oblivion of the Almighty in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
May the anointing of healing of the Spirit of God, which breaks the yoke into pieces heal us from these health and wholeness issues once for all in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
Sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities, the Word of God that cannot be reversed, the Word that will not return void without fulfilling its intended purpose, the Word that its Author God Almighty is Himself in the form of Word, the Word that its Author is watching over to ensure that His promises are fulfilled has declared that by the stripes of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus Christ we are healed.
The same Word has declared that whatever that we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Therefore, we are healed. We are set loose and released from the health symptoms hindering us as declared by the Word of the Almighty, so we don’t allow you spirit of sickness, disease, and infirmity into our physical body in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
We tread upon you along with all your symptoms hindering us by the supreme authority of the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
Spirit of sickness, disease, and infirmity, we command you to bow down to the energetic and majestic charge of the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus, and leave our body now, and never come back.
The Lord, the LORD Almighty, let Your healing be established unto us. May Your blazing light shine mightily upon our lives in the great name of the Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
We speak, declare, decree, proclaim, pronounce, prophecy, and seal these declarations, commands, decrees, and orders on the basis of all the divine resources that stand behind the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing name and Word of the Lord Yeshua Hamashiach, Christ Jesus, the name of the True and Faithful, and the Amen which encompasses all realms of existence and everything within.
True, faithful, and amen.
The Great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, Rescuer, Redeemer, Shepherd, and Healer Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus from eternity to eternity, the anointed One, the Son of man, the Son of David, the High Priest, the Son of the true, living, and radiant God,
You Are Yahweh Elohim, The I AM, the I AM that I AM, the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the God of gods, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the Great miracle Worker, the One who was dead but now alive forever more to enforce Your promises by means of Your sacrifice.
Yahweh Rapha, the LORD who heals of every type of disease, You Are the supreme Creator, Maker, Savior, Deliverer, and Healer. So let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are Yahweh Sabaoth, the LORD of hosts, the great Conquerer, the great Winner, the great Victor, the Victory, the LORD of the armies of heaven who fought and won the battle for the healing of Your people by means of Your crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension to heaven.
The LORD God who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
LORD Yeshua, You Are, You Are Who You Are without the support of anything outside of Yourself.
The LORD God who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this globe through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Great I AM, the Great I AM whom I AM, the name of uncreated, eternal, absolute, supreme, immutable, infallible, and fullness of existence being the LORD God almighty who was, who is, who is to come, and is always to be.
The LORD God who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily all the way to the end of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the God of all creation, the sovereign LORD of all realms of existence, the God of Israel, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The Sovereign LORD God who heals, may Your divine healing anointing and energy go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth by means of Your blessed Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing Creator and Maker who made mankind in Your glorious image for the supreme glory of the Ancient of days and ages, the all glorious Father.
The supreme LORD God who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit of power and might in the name of Jesus.
You Are the LORD who knows perfectly every single subatomic particle, atom, molecule, and cell in the human body. You know each of them precisely by name regardless of how many they are. They all possess Your divine blueprint and vibration as the sole Creator.
The living LORD God who heals, may Your boundless healing anointing and power go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are Yahweh Elohim, the great LORD of matter, the sovereign LORD God who turned the dust of the ground by which You formed mankind into flesh, bones, and blood.
The all-creative LORD God of all creation who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily to the very end of this world through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the all-knowing LORD who knows every single hair in the head of everybody.
You Are the LORD who sees it all at once. You know all the pains and sufferings plaguing mankind.
You know all things LORD. Nothing is hidden from Your sight.
The LORD God who sees and knows it all who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth powerfully to the four corners of this globe through Your blessed Holy Spirit of power and might in the name of Jesus.
You Are the sovereign LORD of the universe. Everything was created and manifested plainly before You through Your infinite power. You have absolute control over all things start from the smallest elements to the biggest.
The sovereign LORD God who has absolute control on all things who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily all around this world through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You are the Great Sustainer who sustains the spiritual, mental, and physical fabric of the existence of mankind by Your infinite and eternal creative power through Your eternal Word of power.
Lord, You sustain it all from the smallest subatomic particles to the complete and complex composition of the human existence.
The great LORD God who sustains it all who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the LORD who is the breath of life of every single individual living on this earth.
You Are the LORD who is the vital energy that makes the physical body move.
You Are the LORD who is all that which consists the existence of mankind, and all that which is forever beyond mankind.
The LORD God who is the existential fabric of mankind who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
Therefore, You Are the Lord who truly knows how the human anatomy works.
You Are the Lord who truly knows how to heal and restore people spiritually, mentally, and physically because You Are the supreme Creator and Maker of mankind.
The LORD God who is the supreme Creator and Maker of mankind who heals, let Your healing anointing and power go forth mightily all the way to the end of this earth through Your blessed Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the LORD who grants the power to humans and angels to administer treatment and healing.
You are the Lord who creates and regulates spiritual, metaphysical, and natural laws and conditions by which true and lasting healing can occur.
That’s why there’s none like You. There was none, there will never be One, and there can never One like You.
If there’s someone who can heal like You Lord, let him proclaim himself. Let him come out and boast about himself.
There is none. You know none apart from You Lord.
Your transcendence, preeminence, predominance, supremacy, sovereignty, independence, and self-sufficiency as the ultimate source of all things makes it impossible to have someone besides You.
The incomparable LORD God who has perfect and precise healing knowledge who heals, may Your great healing anointing and power go forth powerfully through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord of the impossible who is all-able of doing what any human doctor cannot do.
You Are the God of the possible in the face of the impossibility of life due to death sentence proclaimed by the diagnosis of doctor.
You Are the sovereign LORD God who is above impossibility who has the final Word over the life of everybody in the face of the impossibility of incurable and deadly illnesses.
The LORD God of the impossible who heals, let Your healing anointing and power that transcends the impossibility go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Great Physician.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the great Physician go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Excellent Doctor.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the excellent Doctor go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Great Healer.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the great Healer go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Great supernatural Surgeon.
You Are the LORD who performs surgery without leaving any scars.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the great supernatural Surgeon go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Supreme Rebuker of sicknesses.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the supreme Rebuker of sicknesses go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Great diseases Buster.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the great diseases Buster go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord whom there’s not a single disease that Your power cannot conquer.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD Almighty there’s no sickness Your power cannot conquer go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord whom no sicknesses can withstand Your healing power.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the all-powerful LORD God whom no sicknesses can withstand Your power go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the LORD that there’s no such thing as incurable diseases.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the all-powerful LORD God who knows no such thing as incurable disease go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Great Recreator.
Let Your recreative healing anointing and power as the great Recreator go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the great Regenerator of cells within the body.
Let Your regenerative healing anointing and power as the great Regenerator go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the great Rejuvenator.
Let Your rejuvenating healing anointing and power as the great Rejuvenator go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord of all grace, compassion, and mercy who sends Your Word and heals Your people.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD God of all grace, compassion, and mercy who sends Your Word and heals Your people go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Sun of Righteousness which arises with healing in Your wing.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the Sun of Righteousness which arises with healing in Your wing go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who took up our infirmities and carried our diseases through Your body.
Let the healing power of Your broken, battered, and crucified body go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord whom by Your stripes we are healed.
You Are the LORD whom Your stripes have power to heal.
Let the healing power of Your stripes go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the LORD whom Your healing power is sufficient.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD God whom Your healing power is sufficient go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who broke the curse of diseases, sicknesses, and infirmities by Your energetic blood.
Let the healing power of Your divine blood, which breaks the curse of diseases, sicknesses, and infirmities go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the living Lord God whom Your precious blood that gives eternal life provides spiritual, mental, and physical healing.
Let the healing power of Your divine blood, which provides healing go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the supreme blood Transfuser that heals the body.
Let the healing power of Your divine blood as the supreme blood Transfuser go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord whom Your divine blood has the highest vibration and the most powerful healing properties.
Let the healing power of Your divine blood go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
LORD God, if a mere human blood can save the life of countless babies, how much more then will Your blood bring healing to the sick?
Let the healing power of Your divine blood go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the true Healer.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the true Healer go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Great Restorer.
Let Your restoring anointing and power as the great Restorer go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Great Deliverer.
Let Your deliverance anointing and power as the great Deliverer go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Salvation and Redemption of Your people.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the great Savior and Redeemer of mankind go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Healing of Your people.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD who is the healing of Your people go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Wellness of Your people.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD God who is the Wellness of Your people go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the divine Health of Your people.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the sovereign LORD God who is the divine Health of Your people go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Wholeness of Your people.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the supreme LORD God who is the Wholeness of Your people go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Sustenance of Your people.
Let Your sustaining anointing and power as the LORD who sustains Your people go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Strength and Vitality of Your people.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD who is the Strength and Vitality of Your people go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Restoration of Your people.
Let Your restoring anointing and power as the LORD who is the Restoration of Your people go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is the Deliverance of Your people.
Let Your deliverance anointing and power as the LORD God who is the Deliverance of Your people go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who gives sight to the blind.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD God who heals the blind go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who gives hearing to the deaf.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD God who heals the deaf go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who gives speech to the dumb.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD God almighty who heals the dumb go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who makes the lame walk.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the all-powerful LORD who heals the lame go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the living Lord God who makes those who are bedridden stand on their feet.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD who heals those who are bedridden go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who gives mobility to the cripple.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD who gives mobility to the cripple go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who raises the dead.
Let Your divine healing anointing and power as the living LORD God who raises the dead go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who gives and restores life to those dying from terminal illnesses.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the living LORD God who gives and restores life to those dying from terminal illnesses go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who possesses creative, recreative, and regenerative healing power to bring to complete restoration any deteriorated or decayed part of the human body.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD God who possesses creative, recreative, and regenerative healing power go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the God of miracles, signs, wonders, and breakthroughs.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD God of miracles, signs, wonders, and breakthroughs go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord whom Your healing power is well active, responsive, and alive.
Let Your healing anointing and power as the LORD God whom Your healing power is alive, active, and responsive go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord that every time someone declares that You Are the LORD who heals, the Word goes forth like energetic rays or arrows of light and someone is touched.
The LORD God who heals, let the healing anointing and power of Your Word go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord whom Your Word will never return to you void without fulfilling its intended purpose because Your Word is backed up by Your divine presence, power, and knowledge.
The LORD God who heals, let the healing anointing and power of Your Word go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord whom Your Words are faithful, true, and amen because You are faithful and true. You Are the Amen.
The LORD God who heals, let the healing anointing and power of Your Word go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord who is constantly watching over Your Word to ensure that Your will is fulfilled.
The LORD God who heals, let the healing anointing and power of Your Word go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus
You Are the Lord who stands fully, boldly, and firmly behind every one of Your Words.
The LORD God who is true and faithful who heals, let the healing anointing and power of Your Word go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus
You Are the righteous LORD who will fulfill whatever You’ve declared in Your holy Word.
The LORD God who is true and faithful who heals, let the healing anointing and power of Your Word go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord whom proclaiming Your Word by faith always, always, and always works. Your Word always goes forth and have an impact.
The LORD God whose Word is true and faithful who heals, let the healing anointing and power of Your Word go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
You Are the Lord whom Your name will never be left without a witness.
The LORD God almighty who heals, let the healing anointing and power of Your name go forth mightily all the way to the four corners of this earth through Your Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
The sovereign LORD of healing anointing, let Your oil of anointing be poured out upon Your people.
Let Your healing power go forth and reach those struggling with any health issues.
True, faithful, and amen.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing LORD whom Your hand isn’t too short who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, and true Healer. Be gracious, merciful, and compassionate toward those who are helpless, powerless, and defenseless by releasing Your healing anointing and power through Your Spirit in the name of Jesus.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is the sole Creator, Maker, and Source of all things who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD God who is the sole Creator, Maker, and Source of all things.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the Lord, the LORD God almighty who was, who is, who is to come, and who is always to be who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD God almighty who was, who is, who is to come, and who is always to be.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is the foundational, creational, and existential structure and substance of all things who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD God who is the foundational, creational, and existential structure and substance of all things.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is uncreated, eternal, infinite, immutable, unshakable, and fullness of existence who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who is uncreated, eternal, infinite, immutable, unshakable, and fullness of existence.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is the core fabric and tissue of all level of existence who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the sovereign LORD who is the core fabric and tissue of all level of existence.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the I AM, the I AM who I AM, the great mystery of the beginningless and endless of greatness, highness, and bigness of God who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the I AM, the I AM who I AM, the great mystery of the beginningless and endless of greatness, highness, and bigness of God.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD of the spirits, the God of all flesh, the Immortality who dwells in unapproachable light that nothing is too hard for You who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD of the spirits, the God of all flesh, the Immortality who dwells in unapproachable light.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is the great Sustainer of every subatomic particle, atom, molecule, and cell of the human body who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who is the great Sustainer of every subatomic particle, atom, molecule, and cell of the human body.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who possesses all authority over all things who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the sovereign LORD God who possesses all authority over all things.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the supreme and sovereign LORD of the universe and all creation who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the supreme and sovereign LORD God of the universe and all creation.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the preeminent and predominant LORD of all realms of existence who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the preeminent and predominant LORD of all realms of existence.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the all-sufficient and self-existent LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the all-sufficient and self-existent LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the independent and self-reliant LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the independent and self-reliant LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the transcendent LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the transcendent LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is the source of all healing anointing who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who is the source of all healing anointing.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the glorious, flamboyant, and luminous LORD, the LORD whom Your glory transcends all existence who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the glorious, flamboyant, and luminous LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the mysterious and marvelous LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the mysterious and marvelous LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the miraculous LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the miraculous LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the victorious LORD, the LORD who wins battles after battles who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the victorious LORD who wins battles after battles.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD of great signs and wonders, the Great Manifester of marvels who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD of great signs and wonders, the Great Manifester of marvels.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD God of the impossible, the LORD who is exceedingly above the realm of the impossibility who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD God of the impossible.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the majestic LORD, the LORD of all splendor, greatness, and highness who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the majestic LORD, the LORD of all splendor, greatness, and highness.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the absolute LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the absolute LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the infallible LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the infallible LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the inexhaustible LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the inexhaustible LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the eternal LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the eternal LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the true and faithful LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the true and faithful LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the gracious, merciful, and compassionate LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the gracious, merciful, and compassionate LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is love who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who is love.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the energetic LORD God who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the energetic LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the creative, recreative, and regenerative LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the creative, recreative, and regenerative LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is the Great Strengthener and Empowerer of the immune system who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who is the Great Strengthener and Empowerer of the immune system.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is the Great Regenerator of the body at a cellular level who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who is the Great Regenerator of the body.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the holy and righteous LORD who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the holy and righteous LORD.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is the eternal Rock who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who is the eternal Rock.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD whom there’s none besides You who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD whom there’s none besides You.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who is the great Savior, Redeemer, and Rescuer who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who is the great Savior, Redeemer, and Rescuer.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD God reigning over all the kingdoms of the earth who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD God reigning over all the kingdoms of the earth.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the sovereign LORD who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ever ask or think of who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the sovereign LORD who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD whom Your healing power is unmatched, unstoppable, and uncontainable.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD whom Your healing power is unmatched, unstoppable, and uncontainable.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who has the keys of David who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who has the keys of David who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who has the keys that can either lock or unlock the genetic code of the human physical body who heals.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who has the keys that can either lock or unlock the genetic code of the human physical body.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who heals, restores, and repairs fractured, broken, and paralyzed body with Your own mighty hand.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who heals, restores, and repairs fractured, broken, and paralyzed body with Your own mighty hand.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who has all power to either create, recreate, regenerate, or heal the womb of women who are unable to bear children regardless whether the cause is natural or spiritual.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who heals the womb of women unable to bear children.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who has the power to restore the fertility of men struggling with infertility.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who has the power to restore the fertility of men.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD God almighty whom the authority, power, and dominion of Your great name, Word, and blood is in resonance everywhere.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD God almighty whom the authority, power, and dominion of Your great name, Word, and blood is in resonance everywhere.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD whom the spirit of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities holding so many captive flee from Your fiery, thunderous, and explosive presence and power.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD whom the spirit of sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities holding so many captive flee from Your fiery, thunderous, and explosive presence and power.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD whom Your name Yeshua is above all sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD whom Your name Yeshua is above all sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD whom the entire planet earth, and the many health issues, sicknesses, diseases, illnesses, disorders, and infirmities plaguing mankind due to the original sin are nothing compared to the immensity, vastness, depth, width, and height of Your eternal and infinite power.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD whom diseases, illnesses, disorders, and infirmities are nothing compared to Your healing power.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the LORD who will ultimately, finally, and eternally eliminate sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities once for all.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it the LORD who will ultimately, finally, and eternally eliminate sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities once for all.
Yahweh Rapha, You Are the almighty Healer forever.
Your name and Word are true, faithful, and amen Yahweh Rapha, the living, active, true, and faithful Healer. So be it.
Your holy name is worthy to be glorified, praised, worshiped, exalted, honored, magnified, venerated, sanctified, and revered above all.
True, faithful, and amen.
You Are the I AM, the I AM, and the I AM.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM that I AM, the I AM who I AM, the I AM all that I AM before everything was, the eternal and infinite LORD God almighty who exists beyond the realm of time, space, and matter being Your glory.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are Yahweh Elohim, the incarnation of uncreated, uncontainable, and fullness of existence into the created realm of time, space, and matter.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the Great Glory, the Great Eternity, the Great God, and the Eternalness of all.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
Before the beginning of all things, it was all You LORD as the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing God, the One who always was, who is, who is to come, and is always to be.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the great I AM, the incomprehensible, intangible, and the immeasurable One.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the all-strong I AM.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the all-capable I AM.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the all-able I AM.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the all-powerful I AM.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the almighty I AM.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the all-present I AM.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the all-knowing I AM.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM that I AM who is the culmination of all that’s great, high, and big.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM who is greatness, highness, and bigness at its pinnacle point.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM who fills the heavens and the earth with Your presence, power, and knowledge.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM whom the highest heaven cannot contain You.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the Great I AM who is the summit of all that’s supreme, sovereign, and absolute.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM who is supremacy, sovereignty, and absolute at its infinite and eternal level.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM all that I AM who is the eternal and immortal God who dwells in Your glorious light.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM who is All that’s within human and angelic comprehension, and All that’s eternally and infinitely beyond both angelic and human comprehension.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM who I AM who is All that makes the creation live, and All that’s eternally and infinitely beyond the creation.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the I AM who is the main Generator powering all creation with Your divine energy.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
You Are the Great I AM who is All that’s Inexplicable and Unimaginable without Your own divine revelation. Nobody can wrap their mind around Your infinite greatness, highness, and bigness LORD.
You Are the true, living, and vibrant LORD God almighty that heals.
True, faithful, and amen.
Father of all glory and splendor, the Great I AM, The Great I AM who I AM, Yahweh Elohim, the supreme God, the Great Initiator, Director, Planner, Creator, Executor, Materializer, Regenerator, the Great Sustainer; the Great Architect, the Great Engineer, the Holy of holies, the Great Immortal, the Great Eternal, the Great Glory, the Most High, the Highest of the heavens, the LORD of the spirits, the God of gods, the God of all flesh, the God of all souls, the Almighty, the all-present, the all-knowing, the all-Strong, the all-Great, the Supreme and sovereign God, the most exalted God; the Ancient of days, ages, and centuries, The God of Israel, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who manifests Himself through His beloved Son Jesus by His Spirit, act on behalf of the sick.
You Are the LORD God almighty whom Your divine power and energy is the creative and sustaining force of all creation.
Act for the sick Father of all glory, the ultimate source of healing.
You Are the LORD God almighty whom Your power is energetic, creative, recreative, regenerative, and restorative.
Act for the sick Father of all glory, the ultimate source of healing.
You Are the LORD God almighty whom the power of Your Word is energetic, creative, recreative, regenerative, and restorative.
Speak for the sick through Christ Jesus glorious Father, the ultimate source of healing.
You Are the LORD God almighty whom the power of Your voice is energetic, creative, recreative, regenerative, and restorative.
Cry out on behalf of the sick through Christ Jesus Father God, the ultimate source of healing.
You Are the LORD God almighty whom Your breath is energetic, creative, recreative, regenerative, and restorative.
Breathe Your healing energy upon the sick Father God through Jesus, the ultimate source of healing.
You Are the LORD God almighty whom Your great name that gave to Your Son is energetic, creative, recreative, regenerative, and restorative.
Act for the sick Father God in the name of Jesus, the ultimate source of healing.
You Are the all-powerful LORD God whom the power of the broken body of Your beloved Son Jesus is energetic, creative, recreative, regenerative, and restorative.
Act for the sick Father God through the broken body of Jesus, the ultimate source of healing.
You Are the all-powerful LORD God whom the power of the blood of Jesus is energetic, creative, recreative, regenerative, and restorative.
Act for the sick the Ancient of days and ages through the blood of Jesus, the ultimate source of healing.
You Are the LORD God almighty whom the power of Your Spirit is energetic, creative, recreative, regenerative, and restorative.
Act for the sick the LORD of the spirits through Your Holy Spirit, the ultimate source of healing.
Thank You LORD for always being true and faithful to Your holy Word and name. May Your great name be blessed unto all ages.
For the sake of the truthfulness and faithfulness of Your holy Word and the reputation of Your great name, act on behalf of those being afflicted by sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities wherever they may be LORD.
The LORD of time, act on behalf of those who are dying from illnesses before their appointed time.
May Your anointing of deliverance set people free from any mystical illness inflicted by the enemy.
By faith, countless people have already been touched, healed, and delivered all around the globe by these declarations in the name of Jesus.
True, faithful, and amen.
LORD Almighty, in the supreme dimension of the immense power; in all the dimension of the creative, recreative, regenerative, restorative, predominant, preeminent, and sustaining energy; in all the transcendental, impregnable, executive, materialization, and manifestation dimension along with the striking force upon created existence of the name, blood, and Word of Christ Jesus which encompasses all existed and created things in the universe,
In the absolute, supreme, and sovereign dimension of the name, blood, and Word of Jesus, which is real, alive, vibrant, evident, special, unique, demonstrative, true, faithful, and amen,
In the dimension of eternal superiority and absolute of the greatness, highness, and strength of the power of the name, blood, and Word of Christ Jesus over created existence, the elements of nature, all flesh, bones, blood, organisms, DNA, genetic codes, spirits, and energy,
In all the dimension of the energetic, creative, recreative, and regenerative, and restorative power of Yahweh Elohim, the I Am that I Am Yeshua that every single atom, molecule, and cell that make up the human physical body has experienced His sustaining power every moment of their earthly existence,
In the dimension where all these elements don’t represent anything compared to the infinite authority, power, might, dominion, force, energy, anointing, and dimension of glory that stand behind the name of Jesus,
May every subatomic particle, atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organism, bulb, protein, keratin, and shaft that make up the body of those being sick with any type of sicknesses that are withered, dormant, and dead come back to life.
May life, reactivation, renewal, regrowth, and replenishment of the big storehouse of body parts in the heaven maintaining the human body by replacing every dead atom, molecule, and cell permeate these subatomic particles in the name of Jesus, the Great Sustainer.
May this happen in the power of the name of Jesus, which is the only name and word of power of life, existence, sustenance, continuation of existence, execution, creative, renewing, regenerative, and restorative power over all the creation that sustains all the elements of existence together through a creational, functional, and existential relationship.
I declare that in the supreme, absolute, sovereign, preeminent, and predominant dimension of the name of Yeshua over created existence, which is the soul, essence, creative, and existential force of all things.
I decree all of these in every dimension of the causal substance which launches the entire universe into existence; the dimension of maintenance of all things, the dimension that controls every form of manifestation; the substance of sustenance, and the unshakable foundational force that sustains the entire creation in existence; the infallible, inexhaustible, immutable, inflexible, invincible, impenetrable, absolute firmness, truthfulness, faithfulness, and eternal solidity of the power of the name of Jesus being the name above all names, titles, fames, statuses, and things.
May the eternal, limitless, supreme, recreative, absolute, and supernatural power on the other side of reality which is the soul and vitality of every matter which is sensitive, active, reactive, responsive, alive, in motion, and in vibration having total dominance, resonance, and transcendence over all matter take over the physical dimension and reality of this situation in the name of Jesus.
True, faithful, and amen.
Yahuah Rapha, the LORD who heals, You Are the LORD God Almighty who is holy, holy, holy who was, and is, and is to come, and is always to be forever and ever.
Yahuah Rapha, the supreme Healer, You Are the LORD of hosts who is holy, holy, holy whom the whole earth is full of Your glory.
Yahuah Rapha, the great LORD who heals Your people from every type of disease, You Are the Almighty God who is righteous, righteous, and righteous in all Your ways.
You are worthy, our LORD and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and came to be.
The Lamb of God Christ Jesus, You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because You were slain, and by Your blood You ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.
Worthy is the Lamb of God who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!
True, faithful, and amen!
To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessings and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever.
Salvation and healing belong to our great God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb His beloved Son.
True, faithful, and amen!
Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever.
True, faithful, and amen!
The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Messiah Christ Jesus, and He will reign for ever and ever. His Kingdom will never end.
To the Son of man be dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him in the beauty of holiness and righteousness.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed.
His kingdom is the kingdom that can never fail nor get destroyed. The establishment of His kingdom will come with the destruction of the kingdom of Satan.
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!
We give thanks to You, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because You have taken Your great power and have begun to reign.
Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are Your ways, King of the nations. Who will not fear You, Lord, and bring glory to Your name? For You alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before You, for Your righteous acts have been revealed.
LORD God, may Your holy name be blessed, glorified, praised, worshiped, exalted, honored, magnified, venerated, sanctified, and revered.
May blessings, praise, wealth, glory, wisdom, greatness, dominion, thanks, honor, power, reverence, exaltation, might, majesty, and strength be to Our Father God who sits on the throne forever and ever and to Christ Jesus whom the Father withholds nothing. To Him be glory and dominion forever and ever and to the Lamb.
True, faithful, and amen!
All Glory be to You, LORD God Almighty.
You are the living, true, and faithful God.
You are the holy, righteous, perfect, and excellent One.
Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God.
You are the Most High God seated on the throne of all glory, which is above all thrones.
You are the supreme Ruler.
You are the Ancient of days and all ages.
You Are the LORD of the spirits.
You are the LORD God who is the God of gods, the King of Kings, and Lord of lords.
You are the Great I AM, the existing One, the One who causes to exist.
You are the God who brings all things into existence from Your own independent existence.
You are the Great Glory seated high in majesty.
You are the burning and shining One beaming intense light as the Immortality who dwells in unapproachable light.
You are the God whom Your eternal dwelling place is Your glory.
You are the great King of all realms of existence, the LORD of all creation.
You fill the heavenly realms in which You dwell with Your infinite existence, presence, and power to the extent that there’s no more room for someone else.
Your eternal status as the absolute, supreme, and sovereign God who is the source, cause, and the existential fabric of all things makes it unnecessary to have someone else besides You.
Your people stand in awe before Your majesty and splendor.
There’s none like You LORD.
You are the source of all authority, power, and dominion.
You Are the main source of healing, regeneration, and restoration.
We worship and adore You for whom You Are, the God who is the fullness of uncreated existence who manifests Your eternal greatness through created existence.
We magnify Your name by acknowledging You as the Almighty, supreme, and sovereign God of the universe.
You are worthy to receive honor, glory, and praise as the Great Initiator, Planner, and Creator.
You are the LORD God who empowers.
You don’t grow faint and weary due to Your inexhaustible and infallible nature.
You are our fortress, refuge, and protection.
In the midst of our struggles, you are God and God alone.
There’s nothing that’s impossible with You.
Because Your power is beyond the realms of limitation and impossibility.
You Are the LORD who determines impossibility and limitation by Your sovereign authority and power.
LORD God, we accept that You Are our salvation, redemption, and healing.
You Are Yahuah Rapha, You Are the Lord, the sovereign LORD, the supreme God, the LORD God almighty who heals.
You Are our wholeness.
The true and lasting healing that we need our spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing can only be found in You.
We acknowledge that Your supreme glory in Christ Jesus is the highest form of healing.
Your glory is our source of healing, health, wellness, and wholeness that we need LORD.
We glorify Your holy name for that.
You are all that we need.
We give You glory as the supreme Creator, Maker, and Sustainer.
We acknowledge Your infinite and eternal greatness and highness.
You are greater and higher than our sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities.
What we have been through is nothing compared to whom You are.
You are the Lord who gives rest and rejuvenation to those who are weary and burdened.
You give strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak.
You are the God that sets people free from sicknesses, diseases, and infirmities.
You are the God that Your anointing breaks the yoke of infirmities.
In You alone LORD are deliverance and strength.
That’s whom You are LORD God.
We glorify, exalt, and magnify You LORD God in the fullness of glory, honor, authority, power, and might of the name of our gracious, merciful, and precious Savior, Lord, King, Author, and Finisher of our faith Jesus Christ who is well alive and active forever and ever in the heavenly realms of eternal glory, greatness, dominion, supremacy, sovereignty, victory, and majesty of God the Father, the Ancient of days and all ages.
To Him who sits on the throne above all thrones, and to the Lamb His beloved Son Christ Jesus through whom the Most High and Almighty God of all realms of existence has invested His whole being and everything He has be glory, honor, and dominion forever and ever.
Hallelujah to the true and living God.
Glory to Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is alive.
True, faithful, and amen.