Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the source and cause of all creation through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, the LORD God Almighty who heals through Yeshua by Your Holy Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the Great Creator, Maker, and Sustainer of mankind through Yeshua by Your Holy Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, Your Word of power through Your great name is the planning, execution, creation, manifestation, existence, and sustenance of all created things through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You are the LORD God whom Your great name and Word of power have a divine resonance, vibration, and energetic blueprint within every elementary particle that makes up the entire cosmos through Yeshua by Your Holy Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God whom Your Word of power by means of Your name is the divine glue that keeps the subatomic particles that consist all things together to a creational, existential, and functional relationship through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You are the the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing LORD God whom both Your Word and name have a local, regional, national, global, and universal resonance and range of coverage through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God almighty whom declaring Your Word of power in the physical realm by the authority of Your great name is to invoke the realm of the absolute, supremacy, sovereignty, infallibility, inexhaustibility, immutability, allness, eternalness, and unlimitedness being You through Yeshua by Your Spirit over the realm of finite existence.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD whom the realm of finite existence just cannot contain the power of Your Word by Your great name just as much as the highest heaven cannot contain Your divine presence LORD.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the all-present, all-powerful, and all-knowing LORD God whom both Your Word and name through Yeshua by Your Holy Spirit possess an unlimited range of coverage over the physical realm.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God whom Your Word by the authority and power of Your great name is the creative, recreative, and regenerative force of this universe through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who recreates through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the Great Recreator through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the divine recreation of Your people through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who regenerates cells within the human physical body through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the divine life flowing in every cell within the human body through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the great Regenerator of cells within the body through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God Almighty who rejuvenates through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the great Rejuvenator at cellular level through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who renews our youth like the eagle with Your renewing, regenerative, and rejuvenative power through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the Great Restorer through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing LORD God who heals all our diseases through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the gracious, merciful, and compassionate LORD God who sends forth Your Word and heals us through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the Great Healer through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the divine Healing and comfort of Your people through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the divine Health of Your people through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the divine Wellness and Wellbeing of Your people through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the divine Wholeness of Your people through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the divine Restoration of Your people through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God Almighty who is the divine regeneration of Your people through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the divine Rejuvenation of Your people through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, You Are the LORD God who is the divine Replenishment of atoms, molecules, and cells of the body through Yeshua by Your Spirit.
Hallelujah, glory to the glorious, marvelous, and mysterious One who sits on the throne of all glory, authority, power, might, majesty, and dominion and to the Lamb Yeshua Hamashiach forever and ever.
True, Faithful, and Amen.