The letter Lucifer wrote to Satanists and principalities reminding them of their constant obligation to bring utter destruction to the Church of Jesus Christ. This letter which was sent to his representatives, forces of the universe, evil rulers, and powers of darkness ruling this world.
It goes like this, I’m writing to you because Christians are hurting us more and more. Therefore, if we are not careful, we may be overpowered. I wanted to draw your own attention on the resolution that we took on the last meeting we held in November 1991 at midnight.
We managed to keep the contents of that meeting secret from Christians. As a result, we managed to outsmart them. That’s why I’m taking this opportunity to congratulate you all. But things have recently changed drastically. We need to upgrade and modernize our tactics and strategies in order to maintain our control of the universe.
Because Christians are piling pressure on us through their fervency in prayer and their strong faith in Jesus Christ. The solution to counter them is to use biblical principles in reverse. We’re going to turn the Bible upside down. We must continue to implement the techniques and tactics agreed upon for this decade.
1) Do not allow them to read the Bible. Instead, let them read books that have nothing to do with their spiritual life. Therefore, when temptation will come, they will have no support, they will fall as a result.
2) Do not let them pray, otherwise, the Spirit of God will reveal to them our plan. Consequently, they will take countermeasures against us and they will overcome us.
3) You must cause them to criticize one another. You must give them freedom in telling lies. Let it become a bondage and a way of life so that they won’t enter the kingdom of God but they will end up being in hell, the great city of fire.
4) You can let them preach about the return of Jesus Christ and the rapture; however, you must cause them to always think that it will happen in 10 or 20 years because His coming is imminent.
5) You must not allow them to evangelize or testify about the power of God.
6) Make sure that they sit in front of their TVs for hours and hours in order to prevent them from reading the Bible and praying.
7) Lastly, make sure that they are in separation, conflict, and division with each other in order to weaken them.
I will write to you about more tactics to come but for the moment you must apply these recommendations according to my directive.
You must keep this letter secret. Do not allow Christians to get a hold of it, otherwise, we will be in pain and defeat. This is our plan for this decade.
Second Heaven Meeting
The disciples of Jesus are destroying my work. Whatever we are binding, the disciples of Jesus are loosing them.
Their prayers are destroying and neutralizing our business. He says these days, Christians even use Facebook to preach the gospel. Therefore, you have to counter them. You have to disguise yourself as men of God and use the social network channel to trap them.
You must pretend that you’re preaching holiness in order to connect to them for the sake of trapping them.
During a meeting, Satan sent a demon to take instruments that would increase satanic manipulation in the social network, but when that demon went where he was sent, he was affected by prayers of living churches in the city.
In fact, that night our church was also praying in night vigil and they were calling the blood of Jesus to come down. As a result, this demon was neutralized. He could not come back to the meeting to give the instrument that was supposed to be used against the church in the social network.
As this demon was taking time to come back, the devil was losing patience. Then he got angry and said, he is taking a lot of time. He sent another demon to check and verify what happened to this demon. When he went, he saw that the instruments were plunged into the blood of Jesus.
They could not touch it. He quickly came to inform the devil. He said the device that we need is inside the blood that can not be touched.
While the devil was visiting in person living churches on the earth including our church, Jesus was already there in order to take care of the enemy. As soon as the devil landed before our church, he found himself face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ who was standing at the door.
And the angels of light were behind Jesus. When the devil encountered Jesus Christ, he collapsed on the ground as he could not do anything. He was struck down by the power emanating from the Lord’s presence.
When he stood up again, he quickly withdrew from our church. This face to face encounter has delivered such a crushing blow to him which caused him to limp.