It’s important for parents to protect their children through prayer so that they won’t be initiated in witchcraft.
You have that obligation over the children that you have begotten in this world. Therefore, you must intercede for your children.
You must pray in order to protect them from enchantment and initiation.
The Power Of Offering
There’s a voice in your offering. The more you’re giving is the more it becomes prayer before the Lord.
You should be protected and your property because of giving. Your offerings speak for you before the Lord.
Marriage of Two Christians
The marriage of two spiritual believers is a forbidden law in the kingdom of darkness. Therefore, we were supposed to stop two converted Christians from marrying due to the fact that it’s extremely dangerous when two are united together in order to pray.
When two people get together in order to ask something to God, they will be unstoppable.
We worked to cause carnal Christians to marry spiritual ones so that the carnal ones will be a stumbling block.
The weaker will be a gateway in order to reach the stronger.
The Danger Of Secular Music
When you hear secular music, the demon who is in covenant with the celebrity will show up in your house.
When this demon shows up, he will steal your star and hands it over to the celebrity.
We used to influence Christians’ children to play world music on their phones, tablet, laptop in order to attract demons which will then steal their stars.
The Blessings Of Christian Music
Whenever Christian plays Christians music, the angels of the Lord connected to the songs come down.
When listening to songs that are inspired, the angels of God come down in your home.
When you wake up in the morning and play songs of worship and praise, I saw the angels of the Lord descended and cleaned the house from witchcraft activities that occurred in the night while sleeping.
It’s dangerous for the kingdom of Satan when Christians hear inspired Christians’ music.
You must always hear songs of worship with the children at home.
It’s dangerous in the spirit realm when children sing songs of worship even with difficulty.
I know children who destroyed witches and wizards with songs of worship.
In my village, there was a child who used to sing a popular song of worship every morning after waking up.
As a result, many queens of witchcraft fear to come close to this child. One of them tried to breach the perimeter of protection of this child was killed.
No one could come against this child. I was still a witch this time. And I was powerless against this child.
We came up with a strategy consisted of causing his parents not to take him when going to church anymore.
Since his parents no longer took him to church, he was left alone in the home. Therefore, he was left exposed. He began to sing worldly music.
When you build a life of personal praise and worship, the enemy will be crushed.
The bondage of your life will fall for the Lord dwells in the praise of His people.
God’s people fail to understand the power of personal praise, worship, and daily devotion.
The demon of music is called Baphomet.