The elites acknowledge that Christians are way higher in terms of authority and power than everybody. They are the ones with superior power. They are the ones capable of stopping the devil and his army.
But as they don’t know who they are in Christ, they’re doing their very best to ensure that the status quo is kept intact permanently.
They said that Christians don’t know their Master Jesus. They behave or live their lives as people who don’t really understand the greatness and fullness of the Entity they are serving.
The statement means that they simply have a narrow point of view about whom Jesus truly is from their own shallow perspective governed by the physical reality of this world.
They don’t understand the kind of authority and power their Master has in the spiritual realm from a realistic perspective.
It could also be that their belief is being held back by theology, which can become a serious impediment in understanding spiritual realities.
They don’t understand the kind of debilitating fear that exists in the world of darkness for His name because it brings massive shame, disruption, and destruction to the kingdom of Satan. It shakes the core foundation of the world of darkness.
Our main enemies are the children of light. They have an invincible Master who has granted them great power, great might, great authority, and great dominion but they are oblivious about that.
But as long we can keep them in ignorance, we will be masters. They have everything, but we have to ensure that they don’t take advantage of these things. Let’s prevent them.
The greatest fear of the enemy is when believers are walking in the fullness of whom them are in Christ. They are strong and powerful in Him.
This is something that has compelled me to find out more about whom Jesus truly is in terms of His preeminence, authority, power, might, and dominion.
This declaration is made in the context of Christians’ utter ignorance about what’s really going on in the spirit realm when the name of Jesus is quoted and how they are marveled at the supreme authority of Christ which gives rise to an absolute fear that exists in the world of darkness for Him.
In short, this reveals believers’ ignorance about the reality emanating on the other side of the physical reality they are living in.
They don’t understand how much authority they possess in relation to what God has made them to be in Jesus.
They have no idea about whom their Master truly is in terms of how much authority and power being made available for them to exercise in order to inflict devastating blows on the kingdom of Satan as well as influencing what’s happening in this world.
The Ignorance Of Believers
Christians have the great mark of Jesus on their foreheads. But they don’t know how to use the great power that God has delegated to them.
How do I disconnect myself from the physical reality surrounding the power of Jesus’ name?
This Entity doesn’t like people hurt His disciples. The name of the Master of Christians is the King of all spirits and all flesh.
Therefore, their goal is to stop them from ever acquiring that knowledge and awareness.
They want to keep them from knowing their true identity, authority, power, and capacity so that they can continue to operate on a lower level of authority and power.
The ultimate purpose of the enemy is to keep Christians in total ignorance about whom they are in Christ Jesus.
The take on that is very straightforward. If they don’t truly know who their Master Christ Jesus is, then they just won’t be able to truly grasp whom they are in Him either.
They won’t be able to walk in the fullness of whom He wants them to be in Him through whom dwells all the fullness of whom God is.
As a result, they will be unable to fully know how much they can accomplish through His infinite power due to their lack of knowledge.
They have to know that the Jesus in them is infinitely greater than the enemy. Believers posses the greatest authority and power. They are all-powerful in God.
The name of Jesus transcends matter, space, time, energy, and demonic spirit beings. It’s above all things. It’s above all power.
They don’t know whom their Master is. This statement is made in light of the reality they’ve experienced going on in the world of Satan in which the name of Jesus is greatly dreaded.
This is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all (Ephesians 1:19-23).
And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6-7).
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me (Matthew 28:18).
All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him (Matthew 11:27).
As believers, we have the authority of God Himself through Christ Jesus. You can take authority over the enemy and stop him if you’re walking with God.
We have a throne right. In that throne on which we are seated in Christ, we have the right of authority to draw upon.
For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:9-10).
The Power Of Jesus’ Name In The Dark World
The name of Jesus is greatly dreaded and feared in the world of Satan because it is like a celestial bomb.
Therefore, when that name is quoted accidentally, it generates a huge detonation, thus sending demons and Satanists running for their lives.
An ex-Satanist has stated after coming to Christ, he soon realized that Christians in their sheer ignorance about their Lord have no ideas about the immense power of the name of Jesus.
They don’t know the kind of trouble that the name of Jesus is perpetrating in the world of Satan.
The spirits are electrocuted by the power of the name of Jesus.
And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the Word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high (Hebrews 1:3).
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made (John 1:1-2).
Jesus is of the same nature, substance, essence, or being as God the Father.
Lucifer’s Confession About The Preeminence Of The Name Of Jesus
Jesus is the very name of the living God, which He bears. For this reason, nobody among us in the darkness world can withstand the power of that name.
Because the Entity who stands behind that name transcends their own existence. The power of that name literally goes beyond the core celestial fabric of their being. They cannot bear that power. It’s too much for them to handle.
They collapse or are projected to the ground when the name of Jesus is mentioned. In some cases, they are either electrocuted, paralyzed, or knocked out completely for an extended period of time.
The universe was created by that name. The name of Jesus has its imprint everywhere.
The most important aspect of it, He died, arose, and ascended into heaven with flesh.
It’s by His resurrection, Jesus gives believers the liberty and authority over the forces of darkness.
When God the Father was glorifying Him by seating Him at His right hand of His throne after His ascension to heaven, He placed an authority which no one can face in the name of Jesus.
There’s an arrow in the name of Jesus. The strike is even more fatal than an arrow or more serious than fire.
Lucifer’s confession: Jesus is my Creator. He will do whatever He says because His Word has never changed.
He is, in fact, what He says.
The mystery that had been hidden by God was that God Almighty Himself would come to this world in order to redeem human souls that had died in trespasses.
He came because of the sins of mankind, that He might die the death of the cross so that the power of sin might be destroyed forever.
No human could have done it but only God.
God said to Moses, “I AM that I AM.” And He said, “You must say this to the Israelites, ‘I AM has sent me to you (Exodus 3:14).’”
A Former Satanist’s Confession
He was in a global summit in the parallel dimension. Every Saturday in the world of Satan from midnight to 3:00 AM, there’s a global gathering of delegates and highly elevated personalities in charge of beauty, jewelries, fashion, and stylists.
There are medical doctors and scientists in this weekly global gathering where different classes of the elites of human society were assembled in this congregation in front of the prince of this world.
A Satanist was explaining the opposition he was facing against Christians, he mentioned the name of Jesus by accident.
When this man quoted the name of Jesus; consequently, there was thunder, lightning, and explosion like bombs. We all collapsed to the ground including Lucifer.
Later when he tried to ask Lucifer why they had fallen, the devil was instead looking for ways to escape from his question.
Satan is deeply preoccupied with the return of Jesus. When coming to Christ, he later realized the Master of the adversaries of Satan is Jesus Christ Himself.
In this case, it means that when the name of Jesus is quoted, the charge of that name will be unleashed instantly without the entity Himself showing up
But if He shows up in person, that is something entirely different.
We had a meeting where Satan appeared with the queen of the coast.
When I mention the name of Christ during our conversation, we all could hear peal of thunders, there was a roaring of an anointed fire that thundered the place of the meeting.
An invisible power forced us to bow our head to the ground for 30 minutes. When getting up, Satan angrily warned me to never mention that name in his presence again.
The former Catholic priest known as Bakadjika was in a meeting in the Pandemonium world with Satan along with many Satanists, he asked the devil a question about an incident.
He said while engaging the Christians in spiritual warfare, they quoted a name which literally destroyed all my instruments.
In his state of confusion, Satan didn’t realize whom Bakadjika was referring to by saying a name.
He then asked my son don’t be afraid, which name was it?
He quoted the name of Jesus. When doing so, we were all collapsed on the ground including Satan himself. We were all paralyzed.
The throne of Lucifer was destroyed and broken. This is the first time I saw Satan being tossed on the ground.
His metallic throne was destroyed by the simple mention of the name of Jesus.
All the mystics, Satanists, gurus were paralysed for 45 minutes.
Afterwards, Lucifer got up and gave a stern warning to Bakadjika to never quote that name here.
At 1:00 AM, a Satanist went out of his body accompanied with his master, an extra terrestrial entity, and a group of demons in order to kill his pregnant wife as a sacrifice to Satan.
They were standing before her bed while sleeping. After invocation, he took his knife in order to stab her. As he was about to stab her, she shouted the name of Jesus Christ.
Suddenly, there was an explosive fire that detonated in that place. As a result, there was stampede and everyone was running his own way.
After being evangelized by a number of men of God while I was preparing to travel the world of Satan to increase my power. I hardened my heart.
As this question of salvation in Jesus Christ started to bother me, I went to the world of darkness to meet Satan in order to ask him a few questions about this mysterious Jesus Christ.
When getting there, Satan didn’t even want to see me. He was running away from me because he felt a presence in me that scared him. I could not understand him. But it was in fact because I was more in touch with these men of God.
Since he was keeping a distance from me, I said him there is a man of God talking to me about a certain Lord Jesus Christ. As soon as I pronounced the name of Jesus, I had not even finished talking when suddenly a violent and devouring fire came out behind me and fell upon Satan.
It burned his whole face and body. He immediately dissapeared. He reappeared half an hour later. All his lieutenants who were standing around his throne completely passed out during this time.
The voice of the LORD divides the flames of fire (Psalm 29:7).
Kennedi Abibu
A girl who was kidnapped to be sacrificed in the sea. While being chased on the sea shore by her captor armed with a dagger, she took a step back and raise her hand, she shouted by the power of the name of Jesus I cast you out now Satan.
A strong light came out of her and struck the captor’s body and spirit. He ended up falling down.
She was surrounded by light. She declared that I belong to the Lord who is the Creator of heaven and earth. He became immobilized.
He couldn’t move anymore. The spirit inside him became paralyzed.
She was gone instantly.
Brazilian Satanist
The spirit of a pastor’s wife was taken beneath the Atlantic ocean into captivity. She was struck down, she shouted the name of Jesus in agony.
When the name of Jesus was heard in the submarine kingdom, we were thundered. We all fell down in coma. The whole gathering was paralyzed. There was confusion.
When I opened my eyes we were no longer under the Atlantic, we were in our temple. She was rescued by the name of Jesus. The enemy was thundered and struck down by the name of Jesus.
The demonic spirits began to pray in order to destroy her.
While journeying through astral traveling to participate in a witch meeting, my mistress accompanied by 11 witches ambushed me in space. They started to beat me down mercilessly.
As I felt that I was about to die while falling down after a final blow given to me by my mistress, there’s a name that came up to my heart.
I said Jesus Christ in distress. The moment I called on the name of Jesus, something terrific happened. There was a huge thunderous detonation and lightnings.
A lightning strike scattered the witches. Another ray of lightening moved toward me and snatched me back home.
Since I was doing astral travel, my wife heard when I shouted Jesus.
The name of Jesus is associated with:
– A blazing light
– Devouring and violent fire
– Ball of fire that burns the enemy
– Thunder and lightning
– Arrow
– Tornado or violent wind
– Explosion
– Electricity
– Earthquake
– A power that knocks down evil spirits
A thief snatched a purse from a woman and took off. As the woman was chasing him, she shouted a command in the name of Jesus.
The thief stopped on his course and started to tremble in fear.
Le nom de Jesus c’est l’arme le plus redoutable dans toute l’univers.
Shall a man fight against His Creator?
An ex-satanist testified that there was a big meeting going on in the interdimensional world of Lucifer concerning how to backslide Christians, a huge earthquake hit the place.
The attendees literally fell on their faces. Their heads hit the floor 7 times.
He recounted that the spirit lady who accompanied him didn’t want to clearly explain what happened by telling him that everything will be okay because she didn’t want him to come to the knowledge of who was behind that earthquake who is Christ Jesus.
I met a demon who said to me Lucifer has a plan for you. But you will start as an assistant of a doctor who is an occultist and who does magic in the circus.
You will be learning from him until further notice. One of this doctor’s performances in the circus was changing paper to money.
He would take a piece of paper and chew it and when it finished he would pull money out of his mouth.
But in one instance in the circus by accident, he swallowed a piece of paper, then his belly started to inflate.
He quickly hypnotized the people who could not see what was happening to him and his belly. After the spectacle ended, we went back to the second planet.
And when we arrived in the kingdom there was chaos. People were running here and there. When they saw us coming, they shouted the troublemakers have arrived.
The doctor was arrested and the verdict of that incident in the circus was death. I was told to replace him but the demon failed to tell me the truth of what happened.
Later I came back to earth and i asked the Satanist who initiated me, he said that the doctor made a mistake.
It was an accident. He did not know that the paper he was using was that of the New testament he transformed it into money.
That’s why he ended up in trouble.
Then I asked what was written on that paper, the satanist refused to talk about it first, then he said it was talking about Jesus saving the world.
Beloved I spent 20 years in satanism, I was seeking power, I was in search of a superpower in the occult, but I met the name of Jesus, the real superpower. I saw the dark world in turmoil just because the name of Jesus was written in that new testament.
Adolph Mukunz
Jesus says everything will come to pass but I AM the eternal God. I AM that I AM, the immortality who dwells in the light.
Jesus declared that I want the world to know that I AM God. I AM above all powers of the earth. I hold the breath of every human being in My hand.
Therefore, I have the power to give it, and take it away from them.
I have absolute power over their lives.
Rejoice for your Lord has come in His glory. I AM your Lord. I AM the source of all that be. Whatever exists in the entire creation emanates from Me.
I AM the beginning and the beginningless. Behold, I AM the middle. I AM the end and the endless.
Always rejoice in Me, for I AM the Creator, Preserver, and Director of the universe. You must know this of Me that I AM He who died and overcame death and the power of the grave to redeem the faithful.
You must know also there’s no power in any realm of existence that’s not subject to My command. He who believes in Me is freed from all sins.
Therefore, let every creature know that none of those who believe in Me will ever perish.
The supreme power which stands behind the name of Jesus is the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the power of His name is nothing more than the power of His Spirit.
The moment the great fiery being beaming intense light with the sword declared that “I AM Jesus Christ”, I was projected on the ground since He released a power similar to a bomb.
The Demons that were present were all bombed by the sound and power of the name of Jesus.
The demons say the people wearing uniforms are commandos. They are always praying. They quote the name of their master, God Jesus Christ. That’s very dangerous.
The main mission of a Satanist is to destroy the works of Jesus. A Satanist literally has a mission which is in direct opposition to Christ’s mission on this earth which is to destroy the works of Satan.
The evil spirits are always saying that Christians are fighting them in the name of their King, God, or Master since they cannot quote the name of Jesus.
Since the evil entities have confessed that Christians are fighting them in the name of their King, then we have no other name to take the fight to them than the name of Jesus.
My son don’t be afraid, but be strong for I AM your strength. I have chosen you testify of Me. You shall be used to put the works of Satan to shame.
Therefore, you will bear witness of My power before the faithful and faithless.
Deklarasyon Jezi Kris le-L’ te konfronte ansyen Satanis Pierre Akandjo.
Pwiske-w’ konn koman pou lye ak delye moun, M’ap voye-w’ pou libere paske gen anpil ki mare.
M’ se Bondye Dinabana. Se “homme de Dieu” sa ki pral libere Pierre anba grif Satan atrave pwisans Bondye.
Deklarasyon Beezebil
Misyon-w’ se pou fe lage ak sila yo k’ap chase-m’ oubyen konbat mwen ak non Met yo.
Lucifer: Our adversaries are fighting me in the name of their Master.
Inive-a ak tout sa-k’ ladan-l’ vin yon pwodwi omnisyans, omniprezans, ak omnipotans Bondye.
Inive-a pase atrave twa gran atribi Bondye yo pou-l’ devni sa-l’ ye-a. Se atrave twa atribi sa yo ke Bondye kenbe-l’ an egzistans.
Kidonk, inive-a pa jis egziste akote egzistans Bondye. Li egziste atrave oubyen pa mwayen egzistans Bondye.
Inive-a soti nan Bondye. Prezans, konesans, ak pwisans Bondye ki se eleman fondasyonel atrave yo inive-a ak tout sa-k’ ladan-l’ jwenn egzistans yo vin devni eleman santral ki soutni oubyen kenbe egzistans inive-a.
Nan ka sa, non Kris domine sou tout inive-a.
Envoke Non Jezi
M’ap envoke non Bondye menm atravè-L’ Bondye Papa envesti tout otorite nan syèl la ak sou tè sa ladan-l’.
M’ap envoke non ki pi wo pase tout non ak tout bagay ki egziste nan inivè-a.
M’ap envoke non ki transande tout matyè, fòs kosmik, ak enèji nan tout inivè-a.
M’ap envoke non ke atravè-L’ tout sa ki egziste rive jwenn ekzistans yo.
Nan domèn “mot de pouvoir”, m’ envoke non ki konstitiye “mot de pouvoir” siprèm.
Non ki ramne tout bagay an egzistans.
Non ki pa ka site nan mond envizib Satan.
Non ki se poto mitan reyalite ki egziste nan inivè-a.
Non ki gen yon dominyon absoli sou tout bagay.
Konfesyon La Reine Des Côte Konsènan Jezi
M’ wè imaj yon moun nan dlo ke-m’ t’ap lave figi-m’ lan. M’ wè sa tankou yon vizyon. Moun sa t’ap mache lantman. Gen san wouj ak frèch k’ap koule nan divès pati nan kò-L’.
Li bay resanblans ak yon moun ki blese gravman k’ap pote yon kwa lou. Pandan ke moun lan ap mache, sa-k’ te atire atansyon-m’ se san-L’ ki t’ap koule.
M’ pa janm wè san yon moun ki wouj ak frèch nan degre sa.
Moun sa kanpe epi-L’ di-m’ pou kisa ou ap konbat Mwen? Pou-w’ kisa-w’ refize pote kwa avè-M’?
Vwa-a te trè pwisan.
Aprè-m’ fi fè eksperyans sa, m’ al rakonte “reine des cotes” sa-k’ te pase pou-l’ di-m’ kiyès ke-m’ ki t’ap pote kwa sa ak san-L’ ki t’ap koule.
Rèn te sezi pou-l’ te tande sa. Li reflechi epi-l’ di pa-t’ janm wè pèsòn. Lè-m’ pèsiste, li mande-m’ pou kisa, m’ vle detwi-l’?
Rèn lan rive konfese ke moun sa ke-w’ te wè-a nou rele-L’ nan wayòm nou-an “l’Homme juste”.
Yo te bat li, moke, krisifye pou-L’ te libere limanite anba grif esklavaj nou, peche, pouvwa ke nou itilize pou-n’ fè mal.
Li te yon moun ke Bondye te voye.
Nou te au service Bondye, men Bondye te rejte-n’ ak Lucifer, Ariel, Leviathan, Castiel, avè-m’ ke yo rele “la reine de la cote”.
Bondye te chase-n’ nan prezans Li. Aprè Bondye chase-n’, nou te dispèse toupatou nan inivè tèrès la.
Nou vin demere anlè-a ak nan lanmè. Lè Bondye te kreye lòm, Satan ekzikite yon plan byen planifye atrè li tronpe lòm lan.
Malgre chit limanite, Bondye te toujou renmen lòm. Li pwomèt gen yon liberatè ki gen pou vini pou sove limanite.
Limanite pa t’ap tann Sovè sa, men nou menm nou t’ap tann Li. Nou te fè tout sa-n’ kapab pou-n’ te bloke “l’Homme juste” sa. Nou rive enfliyanse limanite pou yo krifisye ak touye-L’. Se te sèl mwayen pou-n’ te pote viktwa sou Li.
Men Satan te vin sonje ke Sovè sa te gen pou-L’ resisite aprè 3 jou. Nan Samdi swa, nou mobilize tout fòs nou pou-n’ te bloke rezireksyon-L’.
Men bò 11:55, te gen yon valè zanj ki te desann sot nan syèl la avèk chan louwanj ak yon kokennchenn glwa ki te avegle-n’.
Nou te oblije bese tèt nou byen ba. Yo te di nou sa-n’ te planifye-a p’ap reyisi.
Tèt nou te bese atè, nou pa-t’ gen anyen ke-n’ te ka fè. Nan moman nou leve tèt nou, “l’Homme juste” la te resisite.
Li te kite tonbo-a. L’homme juste la se lanmou Bondye pou lemond.
Nou te frape talon-L’, men-L’ te kraze tèt nou.
San-L’ se sa-w’ te wè-a. Sila yo ki kwè nan Li toujou itilize san-L’ pou yo kraze tèt nou.
Nou pa gen okenn valè a Bondye. Se sèl lòm lan ki gen valè nan je Bondye. Nou pa vo anyen nan je Bondye paske-n’ kondane.
The Power Of The Name Of Jesus [Very Important] – Remonte Nan Esans Ak Pwisans Non Sa