When people do astral projection, they can see something completely different from the reality that’s actually there.They see everything around them seem to sparkle. Everything seems to have life, more vibrant.
It’s like there are millions of fireflies that light up the world. They fill up the open air and leave teardrops everywhere.
Traveling At The Speed Of Thoughts
By thinking about someone when traveling, you consciously go to him. You zoom across the world; and soon you’re coming down into the house of that person.
Then you realize it’s time to go back. You think about your sleeping body. You find yourself back over your house slowly moving down into your bedroom and then back into your sleeping body.
What Happens Through Astral Projection
This results in observing the world, or reality from a point of view other than that of the physical body; in other words, other than those of the physical senses.
When you’re doing OBE, one of the first things you realize is that you are in control of your reality. More instantly than in the physical.
Therefore, if you want to fly, you fly. If you want some kind of flying car, you can materialize it right in front of you.
It means that nothing is neglected, everything matters in the spirir realm.
When you sleep, you are out of body. Your consciousness returns to the dimension of higher level of being for the night. You do that every night.
We all experience out of body experiences every night when sleeping, this projections are unconscious because we are not trained to remember them.
Consious OBE Can Either Be Spontaneous Or Controlled
Spontaneous OBE can happen at anytime. While sleeping, during sickness, at an accident, on medication, and even while meditating.
Controlled OBE is to leave the body at will.
Your physical body needs rest; however, you consciousness or spirit doesn’t.
The Senses Are Greatly Enhanced
In the astral realm, all senses seem to be greatly magnified. These senses are not our normal physical senses but inner astral senses.
Thoughts can actually be seen to take shape instantly, and anything desired can be manifested by means of the powers of the imagination.
In the very process of creation, it is the ultimate place for true creation to take place because you are only limited by yourself in what you can create.
The Astral Realm’s Vibration
The astral plane vibrates at a much higher frequency than the physical plane.
It would be impossible to try and rationalize this place everything including inanimate objects have auras of energy emanating from them.
Time is a great illusion to us, and in these realms time will seem distorted. Many people have said that they are able to perceive past and future events.
Dreams are simply you’re just creating experiences for yourself out of memories or thoughts or emotions that you have usually while you’re dreaming you’re functioning at a very low level of consciousness.
Antite Astral
Fason-w’ panse kreye yon antite astral. Experyans astral ki se sa nou rele rev, yo reyel.
Nan plan astral la, nenpot panse ak entansyon manifeste.
Li peple pa antite ki se fom panse nou kote se nou menm ki kreye antite sa yo ak fason nou panse.
A chak panse ou fe, ou kreye antite astral la. Sa vin pran yon fom astral. li vin gen yon entelijans ki vin gen enfliyans sou ou.
Our human constitution is consists of several bodies of energy. The astral body is only one of them which is nearest in vibration to the physical body.
Usually, the astral body detaches itself during sleep, but sometimes it can also happen while one is fully awake and conscious. The astral body is connected to our physical body through an astral cord or silver cord, which can stretch as far as outer space.
There are many reasons the astral body leaves the physical body, such as to give the physical body needed rest, to gain information about the spirit world, to know the future, to meet other astral beings, to heal the sick.