1) The Contused Wound – They smote Him with rods” (Matthew 26:67, John 18:22) “Then they did spit in His face and buffeted Him, and others smote Him with the palms of their hands”. (Matthew 26:67)
2) The Lacerated Wound – produced by a tearing instrument. The Romans used the cruel cat-of-nine tails to scourge criminals. On the end of the whip were nine pieces of leather to which were attached sharp ivory or metal balls with protruding nails. As the whip was cracked, it would tear out pieces of the flesh.
3) The Penetrating Wound – a deep wound caused by a sharp, pointed instrument. The crown of thorns that was pressed upon the head of Jesus caused such wounds. The Jerusalem thorn, known as the Arabian Nebulae, was 4 inches long and as sharp as a needle. The cruel diadem containing over 100 spicules were driven into His head with blows from the rod.
The Perforating Wound – Jesus Christ suffered the torments, agony, pain and death of the most horrible of all deaths – The Death of Crucifixion! He suffered for us. He bled for us. He died for us! And He arose again from the dead, for us!
5) The Incised Wound – a cut produced by a sharp edged instrument. “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side, and forthwith came there out blood and water” (John 19:34)
6) Wounds by Mutilation – the plucking out of His beard. “I gave My cheeks to them that plucked out the hair” (Is. 50:6) Not only did they slap and spit upon His face but they yanked out His beard causing the wounds of mutilation. Can you imagine the awful pain, as cruel Roman soldiers pulled out His beard! The blood flowed down upon Christ’s chest as cruel tormentors mutilated His face by tearing out handfuls of His beard.
7) Wounds by Falling – They laid the rugged cross upon His lacerated, bleeding back and forced Jesus to carry His own cross, as was the custom for condemned criminals. Due to loss of blood because of the scourging, He was unable to do so. As He stumbled and fell, His body received more bruises and sores, and He suffered more pain, for us!
Historians claim, that after His striping in Pilate’s Judgment Hall, Jesus was subjected to a heavy wooden cross laid upon His raw, bleeding back. Apparently, the cross bar was tied to His wrists and the stock to His left ankle. When He stumbled and fell, He had no way to protect Himself, so His body was further bruised and battered! And Roman soldiers then forced a stranger, Simon of Cyrene to bear His cross up Calvary’s hill.
Apply The Blood Of Jesus
The Seven Shedding’s of the blood of Jesus and their application.
- Jesus shed great drops of blood like sweat in the garden of Gethsemane.
Luke 22:44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. In the Garden of Eden, Eve was accosted by the serpent, satan, and she was duped into eating of the forbidden fruit.
Then Adam came along, and know right now that he was not duped into eating of the fruit, he made a conscious choice to partake of it, a decision to go against God, and when he did so, that brought sin into the world and gave satan a place in this world. Jesus then sweat blood in the garden of Gethsemane and in doing so, He undid what Adam had done in the Garden of Eden.
How? Adam opened the door to sin coming into the world that day in the garden of Eden, and Jesus on another day in a garden, in fear of what He was about to face, so much fear that He was sweating great drops of blood, gave us a way out from the sin in the world.
He did so right at that very moment because just as Adam made a conscious decision to partake of the fruit and bring sin in, Jesus was making a conscious decision to be the sacrifice to remove that sin. He set us free right at that very moment in that garden, when despite great fear He spoke saying, “”Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
Unlike Adam who made a decision to go against the will of God, choosing his own will instead, Jesus; even in such tremendous fear and agony stated, Your will be done Father. Right then and there in that garden, Jesus undid what Adam had done so long ago in another garden. Those great drops of blood shed in that garden can cleanse us and bring us into the will of our Father.
Pray those great drops of the blood of Jesus over your spouses “will”, purging them of self-willfulness and self-righteousness and bringing them into the will and the ways of the Lord for their lives and your marriage. (Larry Huck states that this bleeding was also done for our finances – he referred to it as they sweat of your brow – labor, symbol of your job).
- Jesus shed His blood at the whipping post. He took 39 stripes upon His back.
John 19:1 – Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. Isa 53:5 – But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24 – He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
Jesus bled from the whipping He endured at the whipping post, the scourging, by which we are healed. We have all been taught this teaching often; by His stripes we are healed physically. So we know to pray the blood of the stripes over our bodies’ health issues.
- Internal bleeding.
But it says that Jesus was bruised for our iniquities also and wounded for our transgressions. Not only did Jesus shed His blood by the stripes upon His back, that outward bleeding, but He was bruised and battered inside for our iniquity’s, wounded inside as well as outwardly for our transgressions. Jesus bled internally from such a severe beating.
It is this internal shedding of blood that purges us in the inside of iniquity (repeated sinful ways). Plead the internal blood of Jesus in your spouse’s body that the blood of Jesus shed internally for their iniquities and transgressions flow through their bodies purging them of all sin. Washing them internally, their hearts, their spirit, their souls, of all sin, and making them clean, as white as snow.
- The crown of thorns, blood shed from the head of Jesus.
John 19:2 – And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe. Picture this crown being shoved down upon Jesus’s head and the blood running down into His eyes, ears, and cheeks. Those thorns so long and thick piercing his head, that if were not for His skull, they may have pierced into His brain.
Apply the blood from the crown of thorns of Jesus over your spouse’s eyes, ears, and mind, that they be opened to the truth of His word and act on it, Pierce the minds of our spouses with the blood of Jesus shed from those thorns.
(Larry Huck also make reference about the thorns being a curse on finances, although I think of and use these bleedings in the sense of cleansing of the spirit in prayer and pleading the blood, the blood was shed for all areas of our lives, and can be used over all areas of our lives.)
- His hands being nailed to the cross
(I do not find scripture speaking directly of the nailing of His hands and feet to the cross, but only that they crucified Him, which by the custom of crucifixion, it was the practice to do such and known therefore how it was done).
The blood shed from the hands was done so that our hands would prosper in everything we touch. I apply the blood from the hands of Jesus also to the hands of my spouse that his hands may not touch anything of defilement, I wash his hands in the blood of Jesus’s hands so that they be clean and purified of uncleanliness.
- His feet being nailed to the cross
I apply this blood, I actually wash my spouses feet in the blood shed from the feet of Jesus nailed to the cross, that he walk the paths of righteousness and cannot stray off the path to the left or the right. This blood is also significant to the word that we are given every place we put the sole of our feet, so again prosperity. It was shed to break the curse of prosperity, to gain favor wherever you go.
- The piercing of His side.
John 19:34 – But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
I personally take this blood spill to be symbolic of it is done, finished. Jesus is the anointed One of God who removes and destroys the burdens, removes and destroys the yokes. He is the yoke destroying, curse removing Christ! When He took His last breath, it was finished, complete, all sins, burdens, curses, iniquities, all bondage was destroyed of every kind.
Jesus is referred to by His blood and as the living water as well. Both blood and water came forthwith from His side. This pouring out of both washes us clean inside and out. This mixture poured forth after death in Christ when pierced, but it is His blood that gives us life and life more abundantly. He says living water shall pour out from our bellies.
John 7:38 – Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’ “Apply this blood all over your spouse that they be given life, for Jesus died on the cross for them so that they may live, and that out of their bellies will flow living water.
Adding below the breakdown that Larry Huch gave on the seven bleedings of Christ in simple form
Seven Places Jesus Shed His Blood
1) In Gethsemane, Jesus Won Back Our Willpower
2) The Stripes on Jesus’ Back Won Back Our Health
3) Jesus’ Crown of Thorns Won Back Our Prosperity
4) Jesus’ Pierced Hands Won Back Dominion over the Things We Touch
5) Jesus’ Pierced Feet Won Back Dominion over the Places We Walk
6) Jesus’ Pierced Heart Won Back Our Joy
7) Jesus’ Bruises Won Our Deliverance from Inner Hurts and Iniquities