Back in the “Second Republic” regime, there was a very dedicated Christian lady in that era who was serious with the Lord, and she was intense in prayer.
When this lady was praying, she was flamboyant. And during her prayer, she was attacking the kingdom of Satan and the infrastructure of the parallel world aggressively and violently.
I mean during her prayer, her spirit was literally coming out of her body. She was destroying the oil reserve that was supplying oil stations in the astral world.
These oil stations of the invisible world were point of supply for flying craft and interdimensional planes of witches and Satanists.
A Satanist Being Summoned To Destroy Her
As a result of destruction and damage caused by this woman’s prayer, I was summoned by the devil later on.
I was commissioned by the devil to destroy this lady because she was praying a lot, yet no power of the enemy was able to stop her quickly.
I began to do a follow-up on her. When I saw this lady in the street in the city, I quickly followed her. And I tried to court this young lady, but she refused.
I tried to impress her. I told her that we were living a “posh life”, and we had money but she refused me despite my social standard.
Finally, I decided to offend her in order to aggravate her because anger and aggravation are massive gateway in the spirit world. So I threw my pen to her in order to anger her but she ignore me.
She did not respond. However, I still continued to follow her. I could not give up and declare defeat.
Satanists Tend To Persevere In Their Missions
When the devil gives assignments to Satanist, the latter acts with determination and perseverance.
They never give up. They can wait patiently for years later on. I followed this lady. And I took her footprint in order to bewitch her.
As I held the sand containing her foot mark, I began to do invocation. While I was doing invocation, the sand containing her footprint turned to the red blood of Jesus that burned in my hand.
This blood was fiery and it disappeared. It was different from human blood. That sister was serious with God so I could not do anything against her. It is difficult these days to see a sister who wait on the Lord.
And I called Brahma Lucifer to inform him about the progress of the operation. When I got in communication with the devil, the latter said to me ambassador, I am watching everything that is happening in the mirror.
Beloved, there are huge mirrors and huge screens in the dark world through which we were monitoring believers on the earth.
They allow the devil to monitor and identify strong and weak Christians. Later, the devil send me a reinforcement of fifty more demons though I already had 90 demons in my disposal.
Because this sister was fiery whenever she is praying, she was entering the dark world of Satan. She was destroying the reserve of blood and that of human flesh.
There are two things that are considered to be redline by the devil. These things are essential for the survival of his kingdom.
These things are the two reserve fuel which is human blood in the reserve of human flesh, which is the food of the demonic world.
This sister was threatening and was destroying the oil reserve which is human blood.
The witches and Satanists operate interdimensional and astral journey with invisible spacecrafts or planes that functioned with human blood which is their oil.
There are times these servants of Satan even borrow blood in the main oil reserve or oil station in order to fly and this is credited in their account because they would reimburse by offering human sacrifices.
So when this Christian lady was praying, she was destroying many oil reserves. And she was entering the dark world and causing destruction.
She was also entering the warehouse of the kingdom of Satan where many kilometers of stock of human flesh which is the food of demons was kept.
The Main Cause Of War
Every time the devil instigated war, plane crashed, traffic accident, and human sacrifice, the flesh of the victim are transported to the warehouse where human flesh are kept. This is the food of the dark world.
I told you that the devil has installed piping canal for the transport of fuel wich is human blood. The warehouse whether stock of human flesh and meat are stored in the Satanic world has the size of the capital of our country.
These are kilometers of stock of human flesh. The devil makes sure that there is enough human flesh because demons don’t eat our food and they don’t drink our wine. They eat human flesh and they drink human blood.
But this sister was entering the kingdom of Satan. When she was praying, and she was damaging the fuel reserve and meat reserve, thus the devil said to me, I am giving you this mission because you had studied magic actually.
I studied how to get in a church and caused destruction. Later, I deployed demon against this sister, but they could not come closer to her because of the angels of the Lord that were protecting her.
These angels were shining and when I opened my spiritual eyes, I saw that the sister Aura was also shining intensely because of prayer and sanctification likewise the star on her forehead was also shining brightly on top of this sister was covered with flame of fire.
He Went To Visit His Master
Some time later, I went to my master to inform him about the progress of this operation. When I arrived in the church, my master, the false pastor said we were waiting for you.
We have been watching the progress of your assignment in the magic mirror. Then my master asked me the name of the sister afterward he began to summon the sister in the crystal ball which also function as magic mirror.
A crystal ball also known as an uber Killam is a crystal or glass ball and common fortune-telling object after spending an hour summoning this sister.
She finally appeared in the crystal ball. My master said, she is just a child. Then he gave me a needle so that I would stab her to death.
I did magic prayer and I recited magic formula; however, when I tried to stab this sister with a needle, it broke itself.
Nevertheless, I took the second needle in order to stab her but, it was broken again. Then my master took a trident in order to kill the sister. A trident is a three-pronged spear.
The Trident is the weapon of Poseidon or Neptune the god of the sea in classical mythology. This is a demonic weapon of destruction of humanity.
It has three-pronged spear because a man has three parts: the body, soul, and spirit.
My master did magic prayer in order to stab this sister. But when my master tried to stab the sister with the Trident, the crystal ball exploded.
It was the Great escape. Everyone was running to save his life.
Bank Of Blood
Lucifer white house and the bank of blood is beneath the Bermuda triangle. This is the headquarter of Satan.
Physical Demons
Many churches are invaded by demons in flesh. Many pastors are married with women that are physical demons.
Demons’ Deployment By Satan
In the end of times, the devil has sent the all categories of demons on earth, such as “avatars” who are false humans. They are born from the union of men and mermaids.
The dwarfs are people killed through blood sacrifice. They are enrolled in the army of Satan. They begin to operate like demons.
In the occult world footprints are reputed to contain the essence of a person and may be used in magical charms and spells.
Dust or dirt taken from a footprint may be used to obtain power over the person who made the print, just as clippings of hair and nails, bits of clothing, urine and excrement are believed to have magical potential.