Lord Jesus, God the glorious Father has invested all authority and power in heaven and on earth in You. You have supreme authority over everything.
You are the head of all principality and power (Colossians 2:10). Therefore, everything is under Your complete control.
This is a clear demonstration that Satan’s authority in this decayed world is far inferior to Yours no matter how boastful and delusional he may be.
He cannot in any way usurp Your divine authority in order for him to do whatever he wants in this universe.
His authority is in complete subjection to Yours since You have absolute authority over him and his acolytes along with the very environment they’re operating.
He’s already crushed, subdued, and defeated by Your great victory on the Cross. He’s operating in a dimension characterized by defeat and failure.
Although, he’s free to operate; however, he can only use his freedom in such a way that perfectly corresponds with the limitation that You have imposed on him.
He cannot in any way go beyond that. As a result, there’s nothing that the devil can do that can ever catch You by surprise Lord. Your authority covers every perimeter, matter, diameter, and dimension of that universe.
Satan cannot infiltrate, evade, or go around Your authority. It means that everything that happens in this world comes to be as a result of You allowing it to happen.
By the same token, You have the authority and power to impose a complete embargo on every activity of the devil if You want to.
The enemy hasn’t created a single thing in this universe. He’s just taking full advantage of things that were already created through Your power and for You and things that are being sustained by the Word of Your power.
He’s moving around within the realms that were created by You and for You. Interestingly, He’s using the very celestial body, intelligence, knowledge, and the existence that were given to him and his acolytes through You Lord when he and his acolytes were created.
He’s nothing more than a freeloader using things that aren’t his as something that he did. Therefore, he’s under Your complete control as the creator of this world.
Most of what Satan is currently doing in this world is based largely on the dominion that he has stolen from mankind. Therefore, this act alone has given him a legal right to operate freely in this world which is under his dominion due to man’s rebellion against God.
Glory to God the Father that He sent You with the sole mission to destroy his works by laying down Your life in order to provide a ransom for sin which is his strength in controlling people’s lives.
You grant us the privilege, authority, and power to exercise dominion over him along with his acolytes by the power of Your name through Your shedding blood. He’s a defeated foe who is currently under our feet.
Hallelujah to the Lamb!