In the Dark Dimension, the devil used to tell us, I remember in 3 or 4 occasions, he said, I do not have time before me.
I might have 20 or 30 years because time is finished. I want my servants, the mystics, and Satanists to double and accelerate the speed of the operations against humanity and the church.
Beloved, we must understand that everything is ready and the stage is set for the imminent manifestation of the man of sin.
The Antichrist is about to rule the world. The man of sin is in the Vatican Saint Peter Basilica.
Many churches are conquered. And many are infiltrated. Apostate pastors and false prophet are preaching against fundamental Bible passages that are the pillar of the Christian faith. They will not escape judgment.
Women Adornment
The devil is desperately looking for ways to enter the church and conquer the church.
The endtime strategy through which the devil enters the church is women adornment, makeup products.
When women enter the church with makeup, they open the gateway for demons to enter the congregation of God’s children for these accessories are their properties.
This is a war strategy of the enemy.
In order to enter the local church during the service, I was enabled to do so when the women come to church with the so-called lady pants.
When they come with wigs, I was leaving my body, flying in space in order to enter the wigs to enter the church.
When dwelling in your wigs, eye lashes, lady pants, even if you call fire, I wasn’t leaving.
I wasn’t affected because of the property of the enemy.
I would remain there.
The devil has come up with clothes that are exposing the body of women.
Many women are walking down the street half naked. The demons causing women to walk naked is the goddess of lilith.
My Introduction To The Queen Of The Sea
I was introduced to this Indian woman who is the queen of the coast. When we got married, she gave me the 16th power in the world.
I became the 16th occultist in the world. She gave me a powerful Kingdom under water.
Every time the Queen of Coast came to see me on earth, we had sex. I remember the first time we had sex, she showed me the sexual position.
The sexual position which is her property because she created them. She says that there are many sexual positions on earth that are mine.
Whenever the children of God have sex with my positions, I come to their room and we become three in the bed.
And we share the pleasures. Brothers, many Christian couples invite the queen of the coast in their bed when they have sex with positions that doe not come from God.
When the sea mermaid comes, she joins them in the bed, and they enjoy together. Consequently, the marital bed is soiled and stained.
Each time the children of God have sexual relations with position published in the pornography, the queen of the coast joins them in bed which becomes soiled.
She always comes in the bedrooms of the children of God when they practiced positions that are forbidden.
Because of sexual positions, many couples are joined by great ladies of the sea in the bed.
Let us be vigilant.
False Pastors
Many pastors and prophets are trained in the world beneath the sea.
In the end time, the marine kingdom will fight any pastor opposing outward adornment and makeup in order to hold souls of women captive.
In churches where women have abandoned makeup, we were unable to enter.
The devil used to say this is what the Bible says against wigs and artificial hairs, but this is the verse you will use in order to manipulate the servants of my enemy so that they accept that women can wear artificial hairs.
You shall teach that a woman can pray for makeup and purify products in prayer. This is what the Bible says about jewelries, but this is the verse you will use to convince the servants of my adversaries that jewelry is okay.
This is what the Bible says about adornment, but this is the verse you will use in order to convince them that there is nothing wrong with makeup and adornment.
Tell them the Lord looks at the heart, not the outside.
The devil teaches Bible course underwater and he analyzed what the Bible says but he never quotes the name of Jesus.
And the devil teaches that you can pray and purify wigs and jewelries. In truth, these items designed under the sea cannot be purified. It is not possible because these things are consecrated to the devil and cannot be reconsecrated to God.
Soul In Captivity Through Apostasy
Many souls of the assembly of God are bound in prison beneath the sea. They are chained up. And they are asking for help yet they are alive on the earth.
When you join a church of marine kingdom pastors, your soul will be incarcerated under water if you’re following their teachings.
When we were sending pastors, they were supposed to join living church and become collaborators of the pastors. They were supposed to get the trust of the church members.
In the end, they were to cause these members to join them in rebellion against the leaders, so that the church would become to faction.
Under water, we trained men and women so that they would marry pastors. They were sent to God children who fight and caused damages to the kingdom of Satan, such as intercessors, singers, and preachers.
Generator To Power Demons
There is a generator intended to power unclean spirits working on the earth to cause disaster in the month of June, which is a month of disaster. The month of September is the month where decision of destructions are agreed in the world of Satan.
From October to December, death will strike the innocents as a result of these accidents, you must learn to prevent this by praying in September.
When documents are signed for accident that are supposed to happen, I was the one powering this generator in order to enforce demons from June to September.
It is forbidden to quote the name of Jesus for you shall be put to death because of damage and disaster it caused unless you are important.
The world of Satan is a world where the strong crushed the weak. It is a lawless world and we have managed to bring this mentality in the church.
The Power Of Prayer
We were assigned to stop God’s children from praying for whenever they pray fire was coming down the third heaven and causing bombardment in the second heaven, and the first heaven.
There are damages that happen on the infrastructure of the spirit world that will need to be repaired.
Praying in tongues cause a tunnel between God’s children and the third heaven.
When the angel of the Lord descends with the answer to your prayer, there is always battle in space for the devil has 24 elder and four living creatures and seven spirits in space.
The devil has copied the image of heaven. There is battle that lasts for days and weeks in the second heaven between angels of God and angels of Satan.
Anointing Oil In Prayer And Consecration
The enemy fears the use of oil and prayer in order to have access to houses of the children of God.
We were instructed by the devil to prevent pastors from consecrating houses of God’s children.
Often, pastors are called to consecrate houses of God’s children. This was preventing us from entering.
The devil instructed us to stop men of God from using oil. When consecrating houses of God children, in the spirit world, oil is liquid fire like a molten steel that spreads with speed of wind and cover all the house and burned the work of the devil
Whenever the oil touched the floor during consecration prayer, the oil always turned to liquid fire and spread like wind.
And demons would not be able to enter the house of God’s children. We use deception and we used to speak to the mind of God’s servants telling them not to use oil since the devil fears the use of oil by God children.
We are trying to get God’s servants to ignore the bathroom during consecration prayer so that we enter and hide in the bathroom where the queen of the toilet hide.
There is destruction when you use oil in prayer for it turn to liquid fire.
You can put on drop of oil on your forehead and doorpost, no witches will ever get to your house.