Exalted throne…
One great in glory sat upon it whose robe brighter than the sun and whiter than snow.
A fire of great extent continue to rise around Him.
My Lord of glory and of righteousness who reigns over all forever and ever
The holy and great Lord of glory, the everlasting King…
The Lord of spirits…
Blessed be He, blessed from the beginning, before the world was created, and without end is His knowledge.
They shall bless and glorify the Lord of spirits, saying, Blessed is the Lord of spirits, the Lord of kings, the Lord of princes, the Lord of the rich, the Lord of glory, and the Lord of wisdom.
They shall all speak with united voice; and bless, glorify, exalt, and praise, in the name of the Lord of spirits.
The holy, holy, holy, Lord of spirits fills the whole world of spirits.
A vibrating flame…
In these days, I will open the treasures of blessing which are in heaven, that I may cause them to descend upon earth, and upon all the works and labor of man.
You are Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings. The throne of Your glory is forever and ever.
And forever and ever Your name is sanctified and glorified.
You are blessed and glorified.
You have made all things. You possess power over all things; and all things are open and manifest before you.