Heavenly Father, gracious, compassionate, loving, merciful, just, true, and faithful Father, I now come before Your throne of grace, mercy, and glory seeking Your divine healing power in the authority of the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, and Healer Jesus through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Firstly, I confess the original sin of rebellion committed by Adam and Eve being the cause and source of all diseases, sicknesses, and infirmities plaguing mankind ever since, which has ultimately led to my speech disorder.
Secondly, I confess the sins, iniquities, and transgressions of my ancestors acting like a repository of curses following me like a thick dark cloud. Let every ancestral, generational, or parental curse be broken by the blood of the Lamb of God.
I confess all my own personal sins, iniquities, and transgressions known and unknown that I’ve committed against You.
I expose my own sinfulness and wickedness before Your holiness and righteousness. And I renounce all my sins, transgressions, iniquities, and every demonic spirit associated with them in the name of Jesus. I ask You to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
In all authority, power, might, strength, dominion, energy, force, anointing, ability, capability, capacity, potentiality, functionality, faculty, means, sovereignty, supremacy, superiority, predominance, transcendence, preeminence, and independence of the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer JESUS being the name above all names, all fames, all titles, all statuses, and all things through whom, for whom, and by which Name and Word of power the things which can be seen and the things which can’t be seen were all created and manifested, such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in both the invisible and visible world by God the Father being the Fullness of uncreated Existence Himself, the great Initiator and Planner, the ultimate Source, the Ancient of days and ages, the everlasting God, the LORD of the spirits, the Great Glory, the LORD of all existence, the LORD of all ages, the Most High, the Highest One in the heavenly realms, the Great I AM, the Almighty Ruler, the Immortality who dwells in unapproachable light; I take complete possession of my healing from this stuttering.
Yahweh Elohim, Lord Yeshua Hamashiach, Lord Jesus from everlasting to everlasting, Lord Jesus of Nazareth; Lord Jesus the Son of Man, the Son of David who was the grace, mercy, and compassion of God for the sick; JESUS the Christ being the very Entity who is in all things and through whom everything is held together by the supreme, sovereign, living, vibrant, explosive, electrifying, creative, sustaining, thunderous, and radiant power of His all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing Word being the limitless power of His Spirit in manifestation and action in all things, the very Entity who is the supreme Creator, Executor, Sustainer, Maintainer, Director, Coordinator, Master, Lord, and King of all creation; may Your all-powerful, all present, and all-knowing name act now on behalf of me against such disorder Lord.
In the name of Yahweh Sabaoth, the LORD of heaven’s armies; Yahweh Chereb, the LORD who is the sword of our triumph over the enemy, the shield of our help; Yahweh Nissi, the LORD our banner of victory, the Lord whom victory is Yours, the LORD whose name is Victory, the Lord the battle is Yours, the Lord who fights and wins our battles, the Great Winner, the Great Conquerer, the Almighty Victor Yeshua; let all the evil principalities, authorities, powers, governors, and dominions in the region standing against my breakthrough since day one wherever they are be crushed, beaten down, bound, defeated, and fallen into their pits mercilessly, miserably, and painfully by the mighty armies of heaven.
In the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing name of Captain and Commander in Chief Jesus, the I AM that I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the supreme and invincible Warrior, the all-strong and all-powerful in battles, the Author and Finisher of our faith; let the strong man and all his acolytes be bound with fiery chains. Let the cabalistic, cosmic, cosmogenic barriers, and strongholds of the enemy over my life in the firmament be destroyed completely by the authority and power of Your great name Lord Jesus.
The Lord, the LORD Almighty Yeshua, let the forces of darkness and their wicked plans against me be met with absolute violence, terror, furor, brutality, and failure by Your mighty battalion of fiery, luminous, tremendous, and robust troops of great archangels, incorporeal forces, authorities, powers, dominions, orders, governments, thrones, cherubim, seraphim, celestial beasts, and many eyed, nosed, mouthed, and eared angelic hosts who fight in Your name with their fiery swords and chariots.
In light of all the healing provisions of God Almighty, I take complete authority, power, and dominion over my stuttering in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
I take complete authority and power over the mental, emotional, and physical component of that issue in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer JESUS.
I command my nervous system and brain speech center to operate properly, comfortably, and freely in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
I command the spirit of trauma, fear, hesitation, uncertainty, timidity, and doubt to leave in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
I take complete possession of my vocal cord and tongue. And let them be released, untied, unblocked, and opened. Let them be loosed permanently in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus the Messiah.
Let the heaviness and binding of my tongue be rebuked, broken, and shattered. Let the wall of blockage standing in front of my speech through my vocal cord be destroyed. Let the jamming of words blurring my mind creating confusion and chaos be rebuked in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
Let the involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words, or phrases as well as involuntary silent pauses or blocks weighing down my speech be gone in the Almighty name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
Let there be LORD of all creation who spoke all things into existence a decree of complete healing, freedom, liberty, fluency, coordination, articulation, clarity, precision, eloquence, opening, release, order, and confidence be established over my speech in the Almighty name of the Word of power of Yahweh Rapha, the Lord Almighty who heals His people, the great Healer Christ Jesus, which endures forever.
May that speech impediment along with its symptoms never hinder me again. May none of these obstacles ever hold my speech back again. Let them be broken, destroyed, and cursed in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
I decree from this day that affliction shall not rise for a second time. May that disorder be removed and be cast into the deep sea of divine healing and eternal oblivion of the Almighty in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
May the anointing of healing of the Spirit of God, which breaks the yoke into pieces heal me from this issue once for all in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
Stuttering, the Word of God that cannot be reversed, the Word that will not return void without fulfilling its intended purpose, the Word that its Author God Almighty is Himself in the form of Word, the Word that its Author is watching over to ensure that His promises are fulfilled has declared that by the stripes of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus Christ I am healed.
The same Word has declared that whatever that I bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever I loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
Therefore, I am healed. I am loosed and released from my inner, my unconscious, and subconscious self hijacking my speech as declared by the Word of the Almighty, so I don’t allow you in my physical body in the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
I tread upon you along with all your symptoms hindering me by the supreme authority of the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
Stuttering, I command you to bow down to the energetic charge of the name of the great Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus, and leave my body now, and never come back.
The Lord, the LORD Almighty, let Your healing be established unto me. May Your blazing light shine mightily upon my speech in the great name of the Savior, Lord, Liberator, Deliverer, and Healer Jesus.
I speak, declare, decree, proclaim, pronounce, prophecy, and seal these declarations, commands, decrees, and orders on the basis of all the divine resources that stand behind the all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing name and Word of the Lord Yeshua Hamashiach, Christ Jesus, the name of the True and Faithful, and the Amen which encompasses all realms of existence and everything within.
True, Faithful, and Amen.
Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, The I Am who I AM, the I will be who I will be, the LORD God almighty, the Most High, the Highest One in the heavens, the beginning and source of all creation; I confess, believe, and receive You as the absolute, supreme, and sovereign Creator, Maker, and Sustainer of all things through Yeshua Hamashiach by Your Holy Spirit of power and might through Your all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing Word by Your great name.
I acknowledge that You Are the great Recreator, Regenerator, Rejuvenator, Restorer, and Healer. The same power that brought all things into existence in the first place is still active, reactive, and responsive these days.
In the name of Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahuah Elohim Rapha, the glorious Father through His Son Yeshua by His Spirit who made the human physical body from the dust of the ground, the hairs in the head of everybody, the genetic rules for hair growth, the sovereign LORD God who knows every single hair in the head of everybody, the One who takes away hairs through baldness, the God who has all power to reactivate every withered, dormant, and dead hair follicle, the God whom nothing is impossible with You…
In the supreme dimension of the immense power; in all the dimension of the creative, recreative, regenerative, restorative, predominant, preeminent, and sustaining energy; in all the transcendental, impregnable, executive, materialization dimension along with the striking force upon created existence of the name, blood, and Word of Christ Jesus which encompasses all existed and created things in the universe…
In the absolute, supreme, and sovereign dimension of the name, blood, and Word of Jesus, which is real, alive, vibrant, evident, special, unique, demonstrative, true, and faithful…
In the dimension of eternal superiority and absolute of the greatness, highness, and strength of the power of the name, blood, and Word of Christ Jesus over created existence, the elements of nature, all flesh, bones, blood, tissues, organisms, DNA, genetic codes, spirits, and energy…
In all the dimension of the energetic, creative, recreative, and regenerative, and restorative power of Yahweh Elohim Yeshua that every single atom, molecule, and cell that make up the hairs on my head have experienced Him every moment of my life…
In the dimension where all these elements don’t represent anything compared to the infinite authority, power, might, dominion, force, energy, anointing, and dimension of glory that stand behind the name of Jesus…
May every subatomic particle, atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organism, bulb, protein, keratin, and shaft that make up the follicles of my hairs that are withered, dormant, and dead come back to life, regrow, and break through the scalp.
May life, reactivation, renewal, regrowth, and replenishment of the big storehouse of body parts in the heaven maintaining the human body by replacing every dead atom, molecule, and cell permeate these follicles in the name of the power of Jesus, the Great Sustainer.
May this happen in the power of the name of Jesus, which is the only name and word of power of life, existence, sustenance, continuation of existence, execution, creative, renewing, regenerative, and restorative power over all the creation that sustains all the elements of existence together through a creational, functional, and existential relationship.
May the same density, texture, and fertility on the side of my head extend itself into the region on top of my head that has lost hairs in the name of Jesus.
I declare that in the supreme, absolute, sovereign, preeminent, and predominant dimension of the name of Yeshua over created existence, which is the soul, essence, creative, and existential force of all things.
I decree all of these in every dimension of the causal substance which launches the entire universe into existence; the dimension of maintenance of all things, the dimension that controls every form of manifestation; the substance of sustenance, and the unshakable foundational force that sustains the entire creation in existence; the infallible, inexhaustible, immutable, inflexible, invincible, impenetrable substance, absolute firmness, truthfulness, faithfulness, and eternal solidity of the power of the name of Jesus being the name above all names, titles, statuses, fames, and things.
May the eternal, limitless, supreme, recreative, absolute, and supernatural power on the other side of reality which is the soul and vitality of every matter which is sensitive, active, reactive, responsive, alive, in motion, and in vibration having total dominance, resonance, and transcendence over all matter take over the physical dimension and reality of this hair loss situation in the name of Jesus.
True, Faithful, and Amen.
God can do anything. He cured mine. From a smooth bald spot and receding hairline, to a thick head of hair at 59 years old. You got to believe it. No doubt. Speak the Word of faith. Speak to your hair, the way Jesus spoke to the fig tree and said from this day you will not bear fruit. Speak to your head in the same manner.
From this day, you will grow.
The Word of the LORD came with great authority and power, I decree from this moment…
From this moment, I decree…
Let there be light…
May no one ever eat fruit from you again.
She deploys all types of sicknesses which travel like arrows especially at midday and midnight. The evil said to me you’re going to have to know how to draw her pentacle and thanks to which you will be able to summon the queen of the South.
The devil said you will be able to cast sickness on people in the neighborhood thanks to this pentacle for the mission of the queen of the South is also to spread sickness on the earth beloved.
Beloved, when I began to serve the devil, I was spreading sickness everywhere I was drawing this Pentacle and I was standing above it and declaring sicknesses.
Often, I was urinating in a particular place to cause sickness in that place.