There are specific manipulations against the preaching of the Gospel of Christ because it’s known in the occult realms that the potency of the Gospel gives strength and power to believers.
To this end, astral forces are constantly projected to manipulate the Gospel in five major ways.
First manipulation: The first psychic manipulation against the Gospel is to make the potency of the Gospel to be weak.
This is done by manipulating weak ministers and make them preach vain theories, doctrines, philosophies, and unedifying sermons.
Second manipulation: This is accomplished by making ministers or preachers weak in their private spiritual life to the end that such preachers may preach “powerless messages” to the congregation of believers.
Third manipulation: This is done by causing contradiction, bitterness, segregation, etc… in the midst of believers so that the preaching of such believers will not have the power demonstrated during the preaching of Jesus Christ.
Fourth manipulation: This is the demonic art of making believers be afraid of ashamed of preaching the Gospel in public places, such as schools, offices, or in marketplaces, as well as while traveling, whether through the air, land, or sea.
Whoever is ashamed of Me and My Words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels (Luke 9:26).
Fith manipulation: There are spirits of forgetfulness projected to strike believers on earth in the morning of the first day of the week.
When any of such spirits strikes a believer, then throughout that week such a believer will live under the power of sleep-wave, and he will always forget the essence of the Gospel preached in the church.
Furthermore, psychic of weakness and fear are generally projected against believers whether old or new.
The forces of fear in this connection operate to make Christians live in the bondage of fear, such as the fear of man, fear of enemies, fear of tomorrow, and the fear of death to mention a few.
The spirit of weakness, on the other hand, are empowered to manipulate believers in their prayer life.
This is an important aspect of the manipulations against believers because it is through prayer that mysterious thick smoke of fire from Christians operates to disintegrate the powers of darkness.
Therefore, astral spirits are specifically projected against believers to make them weak and sleep off while praying.
Attack Against New Believers
There are specific psychic entities projected in Astral motion solely against new believers. Such entities are commanded to fight against new believers through three manipulations.
First manipulation: The first manipulation against new believers is to make them think that they will live in poverty if they follow the path of Jesus Christ.
Truly I tell you, Jesus said to them, no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life (Luke 18:29-30).
Second manipulation: This manipulation is operated to make new believers think that they would become mediocre and none-entities by following Christ, or that they would encounter extreme and irresistible predicaments, tribulations, persecutions, or disappointments on the path of Christ.
Third manipulation: The third manipulation against new believers is to make them become discouraged, doubt God’s power in Jesus Christ and finally backslide from the path of Christ, through diverse temptations.
Satanists’ Mission In The Church
The mission of Satanists in the church is to choke the children of God by removing faith by stopping them from reading, meditating on the Word, and praying.
The gospel the devil has instructed his servant to introduce in the body of Christ is a gospel that will erode the faith of God’s children.
This is the gospel of prosperity, which Satan’s servants have to spread within the Church in the end time.
The devil has made it clear to his servants that they need to stop the teaching and preaching of the apostolic gospel.
They have to preach a gospel centered on materials, wealth, blessings, and the good of the earth.
His plan is to impoverish Christians by stopping them to give by telling them tithes isn’t biblical. It’s old covenant. He wants to convince believers that God doesn’t bless anymore.
The Power Of Witches And Addicted Individuals
Witches have power to block someone’s inner ears, so that this person will never listen to people’s advice.
Every good advice will irritate that individual. Such people will even say why does that concern you? It’s my life. It’s my body. Who cares. It’s none of your business.
They can inject people with the spirit of smoking, drinking, lying, fornication, and so on.
The witches launch these spirits in the lives of those drinking
Spirit of peacock – pride, rude, and talkative. That person will shut down anybody in a conversation without even realizing it. When it does, he will not even feel sorry.
Spirit of gorilla – Doesn’t fear or respect anybody. Being talkative, boastful, and rude like a lion because of the belief that he/she is above all things out there.
Spirit of pig – The nature of a pig is to wallow in the mud. The pig will only feel satisfied in the mud.
Spirit of dog – to influence people to backslide. They cast spirit of dog on Christian in order to cause them to backslide. The dog has rerurned to its vomit.
When they start preaching about sins, some people will react irrationally. They’ll try to find a way to brush aside the impact of the message by pretending that it doesn’t relate to them. There are demons hardening people’s hearts when the Word is delivered.
There are mystical mosquitoes being deployed during the preaching of the Word to drive people’s attention away from the Word preached in the church.
Other churchgoers have demons in them as they are entering churches. These demons close their ears during preaching. They make them fall asleep as well during preaching.
The demons that are most numerous in all churches are demons of disorder. They are specially trained to disturb Pentecostal churches. They push Christians in murmuring, to jealousy, to slander, pride, envy, and greed.
When people have been exposed to the teaching of the gospel, there tends to be a spirit of rebellion and stubbornness that has come upon them in order to further harden their hearts.
In order for the Word of God to penetrate the hearts of the sinners, people’s defense mechanisms against the gospel must be destroyed.
There are demons who hardened people’s hearts to keep them from believing the gospel.
Moun ki tafyate enfliyanse pa yon demon ki reke Diyonizos. Se dye driven, alkol, foli, ak…
Gen demon Taba ki enfliyanse moun fimen.
Things To Pray Against And For, Gender Disorders, Sexual Immorality
Believers And Spiritual Warfare, The Power Of Preaching Of The Gospel, The Battle Of The Mind
Espri Demonnyak, Espri Bijou, Makiyaj, Pederas, Ak Imoralite