Arold, you need to be vigilant, diligent, persistent in your battle against the forces of evil. The evil agents are not resting when it comes to destroying lives. They are going to target you with the intent of destroying you. There’s a lot of violence and brutality in the spirit world.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success (Joshua 1:8).
And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power (1 Corinthians 2:4).
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10).
I have to spend time daily contemplating the glory of God Almighty as the supreme, sovereign, and absolute God of the universe.
His glory is everything to Him. His glory is the revelation and manifestation of whom He is, His divine presence, power, and His mighty works.
1) Praise and worship
When listening to songs that are inspired, the angels of God come down in your home.
2) Meditation
When looking at the Word of God with spiritual eyes, you’ll notice that it’s a living organism.
It’s vibrating and breathing. It shines with brightening white light.
There’s power whenever believers are meditating on the Word of God.
Doing so increases their spiritual vibration in the spirit world.
It attracts the presence of God in their lives.
The reading of the Word of God brings purification in the life of believers by removing sins.
The reading of the Word empowers the believers.
3) Prayer
Whenever God’s children pray, they become fiery. Whenever, the people of God pray, the fire of God Almighty comes down from heaven upon them.
The fire unleash mighty sound of peal of thunders, bombardments, and explosions in the second and first heaven.
The more you pray, the more fire that comes upon you. The more it increases your frequency of energy and vibration in the spirit realm. The more it extends your vibrational field, your field of energy and power.
The more thunders, bombardments, explosions, and destructions that fire unleashes in the second heaven.
When you pray, the spirit world comes under attack.
Intense prayer is vibrant, radiant, explosive, energetic, electrifying, powerful, fiery, luminous, and thunderous.
My Routine To Warm Up My Faith
Lord Jesus, Lord of lords, King of kings, King of glory, King of all spirits, Master of masters, the Creator, the Director, Preserver of all things, and the LORD of all created existence, I magnify Your Almighty name by acknowledging every bit of the infinite divine power and authority of heaven and earth that back it up.
That name is given to You as a monumental gift by Your beloved Father. Your name is connected to whom You really are; in other words, it defines whom you are as Savior, Lord, and Sustainer of all things.
Therefore, when invoking Your name, I’m not invoking just a name but the very Person who stands behind that name who is the invincible Master of those who believe in Him.
I want Your all-powerful name to be as powerful as it truly is in my entire life Lord of hosts against the forces of evil reigning on this earth while You’re reigning in both heaven and on earth in a dimension infinitely above the satanic realm.
The enemy has no hold on You and Your authority. Instead, the devil and his acolytes are in total subjection to Your authority.
They cannot withstand the massive and devastating power emanating when Your name is invoked. They cannot bear the divine vibration and radiation of Your presence.
Heavenly Father, I don’t want to exercise authority as someone who is totally ignorant and naive about the supreme authority and power of Jesus’ name, Your beloved Son in whom You’ve invested Your whole being.
I don’t want that to become a routine while I don’t consciously take into consideration the very essence of that name. A name that encompasses all authority and power of heaven and earth altogether cannot be taken lightly.
That’s why I want that name to be as powerful as it truly is in my life, particularly against the power of the devil.
Glorious Father, I’ve come to realize that the name of Jesus fully activates and unleashes Your infinite authority, power, and might which You’ve invested immeasurably into the Son which manifest plainly through the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, in all authority and power of Jesus’ name by which the things I can see and the things I can’t see were all created — such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in both the invisible and visible world. The very name by which everything is held together, I take complete authority against…
Non Jezi pote chaj ak pwa divinite Antite oubyen Pèsonalite ki kanpe dèyè-l’ la.
Li pote chaj otorite ke Bondye Papa delege a non sa. Li pote charge sa Jezi konn fè diran tout egzistans Li.
Konba Spirityèl