Gift Of Vision And Discernment
When entering churches for confrontation, first and foremost, I was checking the pastor’s spiritual strength and strike force.
I was checking whether his spiritual eyes were opened, whether he is able to see the spirit world, and whether he has discernment.
Beloved, the devil is adamantly opposed to the gift of vision and discernment for he is scared of men of God who can see the spiritual world for witchcraft and manipulation will be exposed.
The Battle Against Spiritual Vision And Discernment
There’s blindness and a lack of spiritual vision among God’s children.
The more you spend time in prayer, the more the Lord will open your understanding and discernment.
You will know how the devil enters people particularly your children. The enemy will not have an advantage on you.
One of the tasks that we had in church was to make sure that the spiritual eyes of God’s children were shut.
We worked hard in order to ensure the children of God remained blinded. They shouldn’t see the spirit world. We fought hard against the gift of vision and revelation.
As a result, if your children is a witch, you will not see it since you are blind.
If an enchanted object enters your house, you will not feel it. You will not feel its negative vibration.
Intense prayer will cause the scale on your eyes to fall.
In the past, I used to see Christians wearing belts that were snakes. We were designing belts that were snakes in the marine kingdom.
We were bringing them to shops. Even God’s children were buying them since they were not led by the Spirit of God.
The angel explained to me that there were many spiritual gifts, which God can bestow upon His children. Among them he named:
- The gifts of prophecy
- Prayer
- The revelation of the mysteries of God and heaven
- The gifts of faith
- Healing of the sick
- Teaching the Word of God, and much more.
Upon hearing this, I thought to myself that I was going to be praying to receive
them all. He cautioned me however.
He said that there are those who have asked many gifts and yet have not used them. He explained that when God gives us a gift, it is for the purpose of being used for His glory.
He said, “It is wisdom to ask one gift at this time.” Those who are faithful with a few things will be put in charge over many things.
“Not using the God-given gifts is sin.”
Right there I prayed. I asked my God for the gift of knowing the mystery of God and of heaven.
“To receive the gifts of God you have to be tested and you must overcome,” He continued. “You must be found worthy.” He told me, “If you want this gift, you will be tested”
I did not know the price. I did not know what this was going to cost me. I did not know about the magnitude of persecution, tribulation and all the trials which accompany the receiving of the anointing and the gifts of God!
Following Christ cost me everything. But Jesus is worthy! He is worthy! I will give up anything for Him. I will go through any trials for the sake of His holy name!
He said again, “If you want this gift, you will be tested”
Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!” The LORD opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire (2 Kings 6:17).
Prayer of Impartation – Heavenly Father, I ask You to release Your angels of impartation who would now come into this place where I am and release this impartation…
Come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit, the Spirit of revelation… Just as Elisha prayed for Gehazi that his eyes be opened in 2 Kings 6, I pray ‘Oh Lord God, open my eyes that I might see in the realm of the Spirit…
I pray that the scales would be removed from my eyes… Heavenly Father, open my eyes so I can see what You are doing…
Open my eyes so that I can see things from Your perspective… Lord opens my eyes so that I can come to a place of higher revelation in You…
God, I pray You would open my eyes to the realm of the unseen… that which is not seen by the natural eye… I pray that the eyes of my spirit would be opened and that my eyes would be enlightened… Heavenly Father, I pray that You just release Your healing presence right now…
I pray that I will have more visions, more dreams, more revelations and more supernatural encounters with You… In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.