the image, emblem of Satan
The spirit of dog and pig
The ring of fire
Backslid believers with fire put out.
Newly born again believers with little fire.
Strong believers full of flames of fire.
The vaccine, the law of resistance and repetition
The method of surveillance and monitoring
Negative words, words of curse
prayer gives strength
attending church gives believers more anointing
paying tithes protects believers finances
Reading the Bible gives strength and purifies the believers
let them forget God laws, so that they can sin. it’s only after they sin we can remind them of their laws so that they can feel guilty
Let there be divine revelation and edification when your Word is prescribed
Let there be anointing and fire, let there no limitation
let the pastors be blessed financially
protected, surrounded, and barricaded by walls of fire
Christian aura of fire is visible.
Crystal water for purification
The anointing resting in the church is the church protection.
Recharge Your people with Your anointing of power.
The anointing is the power of God.
the time for the eyes of people to open has come, optical manipulation
The spirit of ignorance, indifference, and negligence…
The spirit of stubbornness, hardheadedness, hardheartedness, carelessness, recklessness, blindness…
The spirit that blinds people from seeing the light of the gospel…
The spirit of stupidity, foolishness, folly, irrationality…
The spirit that influences people to destroy their souls for the sake of vanity, and fleeting pleasures.
The spirit of madness driving people nuts by inflaming fleshly desires.
The spirit driving people to sinful practices all the way to consequences.
The spirit that automates sinful behaviors…
The spirit that manipulates the senses of people by bewitching them.
I can verify this to be true, God has done similar things with me for those who were struggling with secret sins of bondage. I was brought into their rooms and saw what they were doing behind a veil. I prayed for them to be released from the bondage