In a vision, I saw how Satan was shining and beaming intense light. His body was full of precious stones.
He was like a prince of great beauty. And he ruled the earth which was full of precious stones.
Some of the angels on earth were ruled by him. From the earth to the heaven, there were many roads that gave access to the heavenly regions.
Lucifer was like a prince of the earth. He had access to heaven. He was the ruler of the earth’s treasures.
Several angels followed him in authority. He was a chief, an intelligent cherubim, the administrator of the kingdom of God on the earth.
God had entrusted a lot to this cherub.
I didn’t see human beings, but only angels, animals, and other celestial beings.
The throne of Lucifer was on earth while God’s throne in heaven.
He wanted his throne to stand in heaven like God’s throne. Pride engulfed his heart since he wanted to be like the most High God.
He was cast down with the one third part of the angels that followed him. He managed to fool the angels with his lies.
Where the third part of the angels fell turned into chaos and destruction. These angels were in a simple spiritual sphere which wasn’t the garden of Eden.
God hadn’t created man and the garden of Eden yet. The earth was adorned with precious stones. But everything was destroyed when the angels fell. They fell like meteorites on the earth.
Then God recreated the earth which was covered with water in order to humiliate both Satan and his acolytes. He didn’t allow them into the recreated world.
They were in another spiritual sphere in the part of the universe. They could not enter the terrestrial globe since they were evil.
Only the pure angels were allowed to enter. They guarded the garden just like Lucifer guarded the mountain of God.
Lucifer possessed the serpent to enter the garden in order to deceive mankind.
The Lord Jesus said, He allowed the devil’s entrance in order to test man faithfulness to Him in front of evil.
Testimony Ronald Muzona
In the beginning, God created us in His form and likeness. We were made from the brimstones of hell fire. While in creating the world, He made human being from the earth.
The stone is of better quality than the dust of the ground. God declared that man should reign over all He had created for which I (Lucifer) am one. This really annoyed me.
When declaring that the dust should reign over the stone while the stone is of better quality, You’re (God) inciting deep resentment among us which made us feel this couldn’t be allowed to happen. To let man reign over them was a big No. That was pride.
As a result, a meeting was summoned to counter God’s plan. The purpose of that meeting was to make man become an enemy of God in order to cause him to lose that dominion, the very element that would have given man the right to rule over these evil entities within his God-given territory.
The plan was to deviate man from His God’s given destiny predicated on enforcing his dominion on all created things.