It’s interesting that the same of the brain which registers pleasure is the exact same part which registers pain but with different purpose.
If all there was in sin was intense, crushing, or debilitating pain, sin would not be as attractive, enticing, and appealing as it is.
One of the main purpose of having a physical body is for us to be able to enjoy some level of pleasure.
Is God against all form of pleasure? No, He created the body with a prime desire toward pleasure. He wants us to feel good about certain things in life He wants us to enjoy.
For instance, sex was meant to be enjoyable and pleasurable. He wants us to enjoy every bit of its pleasure.
I’m about to say something that sinful people can never agree with me on this. That pleasure was meant to be enjoyed only within the context of marriage.
Any type of pleasure that goes beyond that is sin. Sinful pleasures force its ways on the brain with the purpose of hijacking it. That part of the brain which registers pleasures gets to register the wrong type of pleasures.
The truth is that these sinful pleasures were not meant to be registered at all in the mind because the body and the mind were not built to process these types of pleasures.
What do sinful pleasures do? They create an unquenchable desire for more and more of the same thing.
These pleasures reverse the normal function of the mind. The body in its desperate attempt to adjust itself with something that it wasn’t built for develops a tolerance overtime with these pleasures.
Once people have given themselves over to sinful lifestyles, they are feeding both the flesh and the mind with sinful pleasures, there’s going to be an adaptation taking place sooner or later.
The body is going to build a tolerance and comfort with these pleasures which will in turn influence them to go deeper so that they can enjoy the same level of pleasures they used to enjoy at first or more.
They will be driven to have certain profound experiences which will stimulate a much higher level of pleasures than usual that will be deeply embedded in their mind.
These experiences will then unleash irresistible desires to go back and participate in their sins in order to recreate these experiences.
The power of Satan to pull, excite, or entice people in these sins is unleashed through these pleasures. The desires being built in connection to these pleasures have become an out of control force in their lives.
Sinful people are living or functioning in a dimension far below what they were created to operate in. They are spiritually dead, they don’t possess spiritual capabilities.
He’s simply living from mental and physical dimensions.
Jesus came to restore that. He came to laid down His life in order empower people to come out of the desperate situation they find themselves in.
The purpose of His death is to break the power of sin reigning over people’s lives. The Holy Spirit is sent to push back against the sinful longings of the flesh.
The Illusion Of The Realm Of Absolute Pleasure In Sin
The idea that there are still untapped or unenjoyed pleasures left or hidden in that sin is such a dangerous and deceptive tendency for those living in sin.
It produces that disastrous belief that they cannot repent until they’ve fully enjoyed that final pleasure which becomes something that they diligently look forward to no matter what.
There’s a final point they deceptively believe that they have to reach first. There’s a last moment of pleasure that has to be enjoyed before a final decision could be made.
Therefore, the prospect of them making that decision is all based on that very final moment, which doesn’t exist at all.
This has become a driving force motivating them in their desperate pursuit to keep on indulging in that sin while wasting critical opportunity to get right with God.
The truth is that as you’re desperately seeking that pleasure, you will soon discover that very pleasure that you’ve been looking for all along in that sin with the hope that it will be just enough to fully satisfy your sinful desires once for all so that you can make a decision to repent isn’t the real issue at all.
It’s just the tip of the iceberg of your sin problem because you’re dealing with insatiable sinful desires. Satan working in your life through that sin manifesting in the flesh will never let you go.
There’s something deep going on behind the scene. There’s something demonic that goes beyond your own awareness of the reality that is in constant motion in your life.
First, that pleasure doesn’t even exist. Second, if you were to ever find it, you would never be satisfied fully. Meaning that you will experience further desires to keep indulging in that sin.
What you’re desperately looking for within the context of a particular experience that you long to have will always be something that goes beyond that experience.
Because fleshly desires have no restraints. These sinful desires won’t be confined entirely within that very experience in the sense that they won’t continue to manifest after having that experience. They will keep on pushing you toward that same behavior.