The base of the nervous system is the neuron. Neurons are cells that are specialized for communicating information. They are the basic tissue and element of the nervous system.
The nervous system helps to sense things around us.
Neuron is also known as the nerve cell and is the basic building block of the nervous system.
Neurons help in receiving, processing, and transmitting information.
The neurons carry messages in the form of electrical signals called nerve impulses.
Part Of The Brain
The cortex is our reality check. It filters and orders the outside world for us and allows us to see, touch, hear, and speak.
The cortex is also the human thinking cap of all our plans thoughts and ideas originate in this layer.
The brain works by forming networks among these cells the long spiny branches of the networks create a neural forest of astounding intricacy neurons use these communication lines to talk to each other with electric and chemical signals.
There are a hundred billion neurons in the brain. Each neuron is like a bit player in a grand production processes its information then hooks up with as many as 50,000 other neurons to send and receive messages.
A hundred billion neurons times fifty thousand connections is this complexity that allows us to think imaginatively.
Neurons aren’t very bright but put a hundred billion of them together in a small space and let them all start talking to each other.
And you start to get brainstorms the trillions of neural networks like an improvisational orchestra create new ideas and connect different thoughts in a whimsical and sometimes inspired fashion.
When you’re thinking your neurons are shooting messages back and forth across your brain.
The cells are firing and because someone could jump out and scare you at any time they have to be ready to fire at a moment’s notice.
Single neuron can’t think or feel or remember. The neurons power is a result of its connections to other neurons.
Each neuron is connected to as many as a thousand of its neighbors. These trillions of connections provide the plane filled upon which the complex activity of the brain takes place.
Pornography And The Brain
Pornography constitutes about 25 percent of all search engine requests.
And it’s the fourth reason that people give for going on the internet.
Pornography has dynamically changed over time ultimately molding our tastes and desires.
The not so shocking truth is that pornography has profound consequences for the brain and acts in many ways like a drug.
With prolonged exposure, your tolerance is increased and many often find themselves addicted.
The issue is that continued exposure can cause long-term or even lifelong neuro-plastic change in the brain.
And this dopamine consolidates neural connections in order to drive us to perform the same activity in the future. In other words, it alters and forms the brain cells to motivate certain actions. It rewires your brain.
The more time you spend doing it, the more dopamine gets released which reinforces the behavior and makes you not only desire it in the future but require it.
And as you begin to imagine these images away from the computer or while having sex, they become reinforced.
Furthermore, each orgasm releases even more dopamine which consolidates the connections made during the session.
The same neuro-plastic system that proliferates these habits can also be used to acquire healthier ones.
There’s a chemical in our body called dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for the feelings we get when we find something we’re looking for or we accomplish something we set out to accomplish.
The Structure Of The Brain
The total length of nerve cells in a human brain if laid end-to-end would stretch right around the circumference of the world not just once but 25 times.
Well, that’s not itself a very interesting fact for one thing if you actually did that and you sent a message from one end of this vast great nerve to the other, it would take about six years to get to the other end of the nerve.
Porn: The tube sites, the search engines, and social media as well are responsible for teen’s exposure to porn.
Astral: There is a nonphysical duplicate of my physical hand but it was physically real on that level of reality.
My energy body was a duplicate of my physical body you can call the etheric body or astral body.
The energy field of my physical body which can sometimes serve as a magnetic force to draw you back again.
Conscious out of body experience either spontaneous or controlled.
Spontaneous OBE happened when sleeping, during sickness, under medication, in an accident, and even while meditating.
Controlled is like it sounds willingly leaving the body.