In the beginning (before all time) was the Word (Jesus), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.
He was (continually existing) in the beginning (co-eternally) with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him, not even one thing was made that has come into being (John 1:1-3).
The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful Word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven (Hebrews 1:3).
He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is the Word of God (Revelation 19:13).
By the Word of the LORD were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth (Psalm 33:6).
Jesus was One with the Father in nature, essence, character, and purpose before the angels were created. The Father worked by, with, or through His Son in the creation of all heavenly beings.
When the Father took thought to create all things, His beloved Son known as the Word of God spoke the Word, so that the angels were also created. Jesus spoke the Word, the angels were formed. They were all created by the will of the Son and the consent of the Father.
This demonstrates that there is a profound interconnection between the Word and all existing things. Everything came into being through the Word; therefore, the Word has supreme authority over them.
Everything is held together through the Word. The Word is the means through which God sustains all things.
The eternal Son not only created all things by His omnipotent Word (Psalm 33:6; Hebrews 11:3) but is now “upholding all things by the Word of His power.”
The LORD works, or affects His will, in one way but by two means. The one way that He works is with His mouth – for God working by speaking His will into existence. But from His mouth come two things that together are two means by which His one work and one will are carried out: from the mouth of the LORD come His Word and His Spirit.
God’s Word carries His command: His decree as to what will be done. His Spirit carries His power to enact that command and so is His agency by which that decree is done. The Word of God is not the Spirit of God, though the two, of course, cannot be separated.
Both proceed from God together. In order, the Word of God comes first, because it proceeds directly from the will of God who commands it; it is because He speaks His Word that His breath is generated. So the Spirit proceeds from both God and the Word of God, just as the spoken word immediately generates breath. And the Spirit carries the Word of God (as breath carries the spoken word), just as the Word of God carries the will or decree of God.
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).
Energy In The Universe
The most powerful thing in the Universe is energy. If you learn how to control and direct this energy, you will become one of the most powerful people on Earth.
That energy can be referred to as the creative power of God active everywhere in the universe and in all that exists.
Have you ever wondered why words can hurt you so much? When someone says an offensive word that hurts you at a very deep level, it can feel like someone is stabbing you with a sword.
Words can hurt you like this because they carry both vibration and energy. The right vibration and energy can easily penetrate your body, harming you or healing you at the deepest level of your being.
When you speak words, you are casting your thoughts and vibrations into Earth’s magnetic field, which is the energy field that creates the reality of Earth.
This writer was literally talking about the invisible reality that surrounds the physical realm in which we’re living in. The very reality which is influencing things that are happening on earth.
Words are important and powerful. They not only hold meaning but vibration, and energy; in other words, they carry energetic charge. It’s the intention behind the words that convey the vibration. Your body responds to your thoughts and hears everything you say.
The body is affected energetically by the vibration, tone, and charge of your words.
I can’t – Will literally stop growth. Cannot is a command to self.
I won’t – Will literally put a block in your way.
It’s hard – Will literally stop you from achieving anything in your life.
I don’t believe – Is a taught behavior that is a condition to hold a person back.
I’m skeptic – Stops a person from learning.
I don’t like it – Stops a person from gaining intellect.
This is also a clear attestation of how powerful spoken words can be although, they may not be determinative. Since the Word of God (Jesus) has absolute authority over everything that exists, the Word can be used to inflict major disasters on the kingdom of Satan.
Creative Power And Saving or Redemptive Power of God
God has one power but with multiple dimensions and functions. There is the all-creative power of God, which is His power to create things out of nothing, create something that had never existed before as well as making or multiplying things out of a matter He already created by His will. He created all things, thus having unlimited powers of creation.
This power is foundational to the universe and everything that exists since it is the power that God used to bring them into existence. The very existence of everything is dependent on that power.
This power was used by God through Christ by the Holy Spirit to create things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities. He holds all things together through His Son by that power.
This power literally dwells in everything that exists. This power sustains every form of life. Everything that exists revolves around that power. This is what many usually refer to as energy.
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible (Hebrews 11:3).
They were not made from pre-existent matter, but out of nothing. His creative power not only created all the materials but organized them in such a well-structured fashion.
The universe and all within are a visible manifestation of God’s all-creative power. His glory which is the very essence of His being, the key attribute that makes Him whom He is as God Almighty is revealed plainly through His creative power.
The Holy Spirit is the means, the channel, through whom God’s creative energy or power is manifested.
My Word in your mouth has the same power as My Word in My mouth.
Lucifer himself confessed that Jesus is the very name of the living God, which He Himself bears. The universe was created by that name. The entire universe is held together by the Word of His power. Nobody in the dark world can ever withstand the limitless authority and power of the name of Jesus.
Saving Power Of God
The saving, redemptive, regenerative, or transformative power of God is an extension of His creative power but which has another vital function.
This is a dimension of power that was activated through Jesus when He willingly laid down His life for mankind. The consummation and enforcement of that power was achieved when He resurrected from the grave after three days, and ascended to heaven, and seated at the right hand of God the Father, which is the place of honor and glory.
This power is purposed to bring back mankind to His original state when He was made by God by restoring the spiritual life as well as the intimate relationship he once had.
This is the power that unleashes the uncreated and eternal life of God in people’s lives. This is the power that transforms people. This is the power that regenerates sinners by making them a new creature. This power has changed their nature from carnal to divine by enabling them to share God’s divine nature. The rebirth is fulfilled through that power in order for lost and hellbent sinners could become children of God.
Therefore, this power is made available to mankind by God through Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Jesus paid the price for every sin that mankind has ever committed in order to give man access to that power.
This is the power that grants sinners victory over Satan, the world, and the flesh.
Praying By Faith
It’s done.
By faith, I can see my command being fulfilled as proclaimed.
I can see the massive wave of power being unleashed from God Almighty.
I have no doubt left in my mind about that because He is all able to do so.
When praying, your heart and mind must be connected to what you’re doing.
It’s imperative that you connect your mind to the immense power found in the name of Jesus.
I said “Father, Jesus said that You would give me whatever I ask for in His name, so I am asking You to stop this rain now in Jesus name. I thank You Father and believe it’s done now and give You praise for the answer.
———— Note ————
An ex-satanist commanded 600,000 spirits to operate a mighty storm, thunder, and rain in order to make it difficult for a crusade that was supposed to get started to hold beyond the first day. It happened as planned.
If Satanists operating under the power of the devil can do such imagine how much believers can do under the limitless power of God.