Let’s first take a moment to consider the fact that your subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank.
Its capacity is virtually unlimited and it permanently stores everything that ever happens to you.
Your unconscious memory is virtually perfect. It is your conscious recall that is suspect.
The function of your subconscious mind is to store and retrieve data. Its job is to ensure that you respond exactly the way you are programmed.
Your subconscious mind makes everything you say and do fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept, your “master program.”
This is why motivational activities, such as reading inspirational quotes, are so impactful for people committed to positive thinking.
By focusing your thoughts on uplifting ideas, your subconscious will begin to implement a positive pattern in your way of thinking and your outlook on life.
All your habits of thinking and acting are stored in your subconscious mind. It has memorized all your comfort zones and it works to keep you in them.
Your subconscious mind causes you to feel emotionally and physically uncomfortable whenever you attempt to do anything new or different or to change any of your established patterns of behavior.
The sense of fear and discomfort are psychological signs that your subconscious has been activated.
But it’s been working to establish those behavior patterns in the background long before you’ll ever notice such feelings.
The tendency to commit to these patterns is one reason why habits can be so hard to break. However, when you learn to purposefully create such patterns, you can harness the power of habit and purposefully instill new comfort zones to which your subconscious will adapt.
You can feel your subconscious pulling you back toward your comfort zone each time you try something new.
Even thinking about doing something different from what you’re accustomed to will make you feel tense and uneasy.
Superior men and women are always stretching themselves, pushing themselves out of their comfort zones.
They are very aware how quickly the comfort zone, in any area, becomes a rut. They know that complacency is the great enemy of creativity and future possibilities.
For you to grow, to get out of your comfort zone, you have to be willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable doing new things the first few times.
If it’s worth doing well, it’s worth doing poorly until you get a feel for it, until you develop a new comfort zone at a new, higher level of competence.
How the subconscious mind influences the body
Every thought, every emotion, every desire, and every internal representation of life is monitored and overheard by the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind’s job is to maintain what the conscious mind believes.
Do you think you don’t deserve to be healthy? Do you think that the pain or disease is just going to get worse? Whatever you believe deeply… the subconscious will make it so.
The subconscious mind holds the repressed memories and beliefs, the shadow aspects of self, to whatever extent it needs. It does this to balance the conscious mind.
Unfortunately, if those memories and aspects of self are not processed and reintegrated into our lives, they may remain locked in the confines of the body and express themselves as symptoms and tensions.
The subconscious mind is in charge of all the physical body systems. It has been guiding and developing it from its embryonic state. The subconscious mind is aware of any ailments the body is experiencing and is responsible for how those ailments evolve and are expressed.
Outer influence such as accidents and trauma, external stressors, and environment are major influences on your health. But it is the subconscious mind that dictates how the body is responding to the external factors of your life and what aspects of that adaptation the conscious mind needs to be aware of.