This chapter explains why we sometimes do what we don’t want to do. It explains the “law” in what the Bible calls our “flesh.” It shows that the power of sin is because our need for God’s presence is not being met.
The concepts on this page are important because they help you to recognize that you have to repent by turning to God and receiving His presence, or sin will just keep having power over you.
We have no other options except to take God at His Word and trust His grace to draw near to us!
Sin Becomes Attractive
Sin is the inevitable result of trying to quench our thirst by earthly means that are inadequate to supply what we long for most.
The Bible says that “…the power of sin is the law;” (1 Corinthians 15:56). It also talks about, “…sinful passions…aroused by the law…” (Romans 7:5).
The law arouses sinful passions when we ignore the availability of the Holy Spirit, and demand to ease our sense of falling short by earthly means.
Any time we get our eyes on our human “flesh,” the law is right there reminding us that the glory of our humanity falls short of the glory of what God like.
Glory is what we try to reassure ourselves with, but earthly sources are never enough. They only give us enough to know we want more.
When we try to fill ourselves with sources that can’t possibly supply, we are left empty and desperately wanting.
Those are times when even the twisted power we feel in rebellion can seem to have glory in it.
It is all about reassurance! Having a law in our outer body that reminds us of our lack forces us to turn to God or turn to sin.
By this God is able to determine who or what we will worship. Knowing so clearly that our humanity falls short and is not enough, makes us feel insecure. But when don’t draw near to God and drink, even the twisted power we feel in sin can feel reassuring.
The Bible says, Behold, the man who would not make God his refuge, But trusted in the abundance of his riches And was strong in his evil desire. But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever (Psa. 52:7,8).
You greatly weaken the power of sin if you let yourself receive the Holy Spirit so as to find refuge in God.
By this, you find the reassurance you need by hiding yourself in God. Without quenching our thirsty desires with God, the pain of unfulfilled desire for God gets the best of us.
Then we become weak and tempted to try to fill ourselves with something, anything that might ease the pain, soothe, and satisfy our craving.
Personal purity that is only the result of self-discipline is only as deep as our behavior.
Therefore, we have no choice! We must experience the presence of God, lavished upon us, as what satisfies our cravings.
Otherwise, purity from the heart is not possible. I know from personal experience that when you begin to experience God this way, it isn’t as easy to fall into temptation.
Compared to God, nothing else is nearly as attractive anymore. You can know this from personal experience too. Think of it.
If you were actually being reassured and finding your thrill and pleasure in the presence of God, if God really was your security, your ability to say, “No” to sin, would increase greatly.
The push to reassure yourself with sin, wouldn’t be there. The Bible says, “…If riches increase, do not set your heart upon them” (Psa. 62:10).
Rather than having a heart set on having to make sin work for us, we need to set our heart on quenching our thirst with the Spirit of God: “And he did evil because he did not set his heart to seek the Lord” (2 Chron. 12:14).
Otherwise, we will be too weak to stand against temptation. You can find the strength to say no to temptation by finding reassurance another way.
It is only by quenching our thirst with the glory of the Father that we walk in newness of life (Rom. 6:4).
Let yourself believe truth will make you free: “…put on the armor of light…put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts” (Rom. 13:12,14).
Let me stress, we are to put on and wear the light around our body. Why is that? It is because of our humanity that we need reassurance.
If by receiving the presence of God, you put on and wear the Holy Spirit you will be much stronger in regard to the lusts of your flesh!
You will be strong because God will be quenching your thirsty desires. You won’t be driven into weakness toward sin because God’s presence is what quenches your thirst.
Rather than having a heart that is set on making sin be what reassures you, set your heart on quenching your thirst with the Spirit of God.
Our human glory falls short of God’s. We need to apply His presence to where the need is. It is by thrilling ourselves with the light of the Spirit around us, rather than thrilling ourselves with sin, that we “…make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts” (Romans 13:14).
Don’t wait to go and stand before the Lord until your faith is built up in yourself. Don’t let yourself think you have to believe the glory of your humanity before you are good enough to draw near to God.
If you do, your drawing near will only be based on pride in yourself. Reality is that you need to quench your thirst with the Holy Spirit now. Otherwise, the twisted glory of sin will become too strong for you to resist.
The Bible says, So this I say, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind, being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; and they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness (Ephesians 4:17-19).
If we Christians harden ourselves to believing, then in a practical sense, we too are excluded from “the life of God” because rather than God’s presence, we will settle for the twisted glory we find in sin.
It is by God’s intentional design that your thirsty need is strong enough to overpower you at times!
But that God made our thirst so strong is not a reason to go on living in sin. It is His full intention to fill your need—here and now, enough so that you are able to cling to Him and not fall so easily.
Do you want to be free from sin?
The Bible tells us, “and through Him, everyone who believes is freed from all things, from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses” (Acts 13:39).
The way to find freedom is by believing. Preparing your heart for greater faith is the best way to combat sin.
The Bible also says, “Your Word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You” (Psalms 119:11).
More than knowing the Word of God in your head, let your heart believe and treasure God’s truth!
It is only the Word treasured in your heart that helps keep you from sin. You can repent because of God’s grace to draw near to you and because of your underlying and great desire for God.
You can repent because you want God more than sin and you can have His presence, abundantly! Let your heart believe it!