1) That’s the very part of you that will manifest some type of desire toward someone that you’ve found to be attractive even though you’re in marriage relationship with someone else.
You see, it has no moral values, no biblical conviction. If you through your soul starts feeding that desire with attention and interest, you’ll be convinced little by little to try to find a way around that relationship you have in order to pursue your own lust.
2) The physiological aspect of your being understands or interprets sinful pleasure as a way of surviving.
It creates a strong dependence on something you’re doing that derives you great pleasure.
That’s why it’s so hard for people to abandon their sinful ways through genuine repentance.
Because when thinking about doing so, they tend to think about it solely in the context of what they’re going to lose.
Their belief is that they will truly miss out on something big which they feel like is foundation upon which their very life and satisfaction are built on.
3) There has to be a drastic change in your perspective regarding dealing with temptation. Resisting temptation is all about letting God have His way in us. It’s all about letting God deal with the current situation through His Word.
I don’t see how you can effectively deal with a situation while deep within there’s a part of you that so eager to act out on what you’re tempted to do.
4) It’s going to take the power of God in order to deal with these hostile sinful memories.
4) It creates intense tension which sort of hijack people’s abilities to think right. When they’re done, they feel released.
5) That may shock up to the core, you may find yourself in situations whilr you’re trying to focus on God through either worship or prayer, all the sudden sinful thoughts out of nowhere start popping up in your mind.
After spending time with God, it’s like that very temptation was waiting for you.
5) Usually, people struggling with sinful behaviors who want to overcome would like their deliverance or victory from their struggles to manifest as a miracle; in other words, instantly.
However, that’s not the case at all most of the time.
So after fervent prayer of deep confession in which they’re crying out to God in order for Him to deliver them, they make to Him all types of promises in order to convince Him to break that bondage off their lives, their expectation is to see that thing go away as soon as possible. Most of the time, that’s not what happens at all.
When it comes to homosexuals, prayer has become an object of mock. Because some people believe all they have to do is to pray the gay away and somehow God will miraculously intervene and break the yoke of that very sin.
Some try to quit that lifestyle, then after a while they find themselves back into that behavior.
Although, I’m not ruling out any miraculous intervention concerning your struggle because that’s not beyond God’s reach.
But all I want to tell you praying, confessing your sin to God, spending time in His presence through worship, even memorizing scriptures doesn’t eliminate the longing to go back into that sin because there’s part of yourself that is still hooked up to that particular sinful habit.
Bear in mind, that part of you has no moral values. It has no understanding of Scripture. It doesn’t understand that Jesus came and laid down His life in order to save you from your sins.
It doesn’t care about your willingness to quit that behavior. All it does is manifest whatever it has been templated with. It’s just unconscious, which means that it doesn’t know what it’s doing. You have no direct access to it from a conscious level.
You cannot order it around. You cannot just say to it, I’m not going to indulge in that habit any longer and expect that you won’t experience any desire at all to go back.
However, it cannot make you do anything without your willingness to act on the desire being manifested by it. You have control over your response to that desire. That’s what sets you part from animals.
That attachment needs to be weaken overtime. As a result, your victory will manifest gradually through consistent obedience to God.
Your victory is anchored on obedience. Therefore, it’s the essence of your victory. Obedience is your daily manifestation of your victory. You’ve become as enslaved as you are as result of your failure to obey.
You have to be willing to choose obedience over giving in no matter how desperate you feel going through such an intense temptation.
Shockingly, after making these types of confessions, when tempted, you jump back to that sin as though you had never confessed or as though, you totally forget about everything that you said in the confession.
It’s clear that temptation is something that God allows us to go through just to test whether we truly want to abandon a sinful behavior.
You’ll have to go through tough time in which your flesh will influence you to believe God is nowhere to help you.
6) If you’re pastor, this guide will open your eyes much further about people’s struggles with sinful behaviors.
7) Our soul cannot experience pain from a physical level since it’s non-physical.
Everything that looks good to the eyes, or anything that looks something that will feel good that’s outside of God’s will is nothing more than trap.
8) From a physiological perpective, the unconscious part of the brain driving sinful or addictive behaviors under the influence of Satan falsely interprets these behaviors as a way of surviving.
It starts interpreting the message that indulging in certain sinful behaviors as a survival need to deal with the emotional stress of life or as a way to deal with temptation.
Therefore, when temptation comes, people become persuaded that the only way to cope, to get through the day, or to survive this situation is to just go after that instant gratification. Based on their own perspective, it’s all they need for that moment. It’s all worth it.
The most deceptive aspect of temptation is that it influences people to think there will be no improvement at all in how they feel now regardless of what they do to resist it. That’s what drives people desperate for a quick solution.
The idea is that the way they are feeling now is precisely how they will feel indefinitely or worse unless they do something to release the pressure being built on their flesh and mind by giving in.
The notion is that you’re stuck in that desperate situation. It will never get any better. It is endless. But the only way to get through it is by just giving in.
Moreover, there is a physiological dependency in which the physical body has become dependent on sinful behaviors. Therefore, the body has come to want these pleasures to operate properly.
There’s also a mental dependency that has been built on sin by which the soul has become a coward when it comes to resisting sinful desires when the flesh is in rage.
This dependency is created as a way for the soul to escape its God-given responsibility to deal with fleshly desires because of its inability to do so.
In this state, people accept certain things in life just as they are due to their complete inability to perceive a better alternative offered by God through Christ Jesus to deal with sinful longings.
With both dependency, people actually believe that they need something outside of God’s will in order for them to be able to feel a certain way, thus they have to do their very best to satisfy sinful desires.
Those who are being enslaved by sin or addiction feel that they are under a constant obligation to live as they’re living. Their very wellbeing has become dependent on sin.
This is actually the tendency that takes over people’s minds to the extent it shapes their own mindset about their sinful behaviors. Their mindset is nothing more than a program by which the enemy runs their lives.
That’s the reason why people who are caught up into some sin they cannot seem to overcome or don’t have any plan to behave as if they cannot live without it. That’s what they believe at the very core of their being.
Their core beliefs revolve around the idea that they have to be connected to something outside of God’s will that wasn’t even intended for them to do so in order to draw some instant gratification they feel they desperately need.
It’s as if whatever they’re doing has become a foundation upon which their entire lives are built. Consequently, if they were to make a decision to abandon their sinful behaviors, their lives would just collapse.
This very mindset being experienced from a personal level has become the collective mindset of the world system by which Satan is ruling over the lives of unsaved people.
The world system is nothing more than a much wider representation of what’s going on in people’s minds from a personal level as a result of sin.
The core foundation of the world system is built upon rebellion against God.
9) Three major way people get tempted.
People can be tempted through either one of the 5 senses.
People can be tempted in accordance to how they feel in the midst of a given situation.
People can be tempted through a thought that comes out of nowhere that pops up in ther minds. In this case, this thought tends to relate to something they are doing.
Pale konsenan panse lom lan: konsyans, sibkonsyans, ak enkonsyans.
Pale de trajedi ki rive nan lavi moun.
Aspe fizyolojik la gen pou-l’ we ak fason ko lom lan reyaji a peche selon siyal sevo-a transmet an fonksyon enfliyans pati imateryel ki nan lom lan ap ekzese.
Gen pederas ki ta vle ke dezi omoseksyel la se yon dezi pou Bondye ta jis retire-l’ nan yo touswit apre yon priye pandan ke se yon dezi Bondye vle pou ki mouri atrave rezistans yo.